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Mental processes

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Behavioral theories focus on how external stimuli shape behaviors through reinforcement and punishment, while cognitive theories emphasize internal mental processes like attention, memory, and problem-solving. Behavioral theories suggest that learning is a result of environmental conditioning, whereas cognitive theories argue that learning involves active mental processes that interpret and organize information from the environment.

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Q: How do behavioral and cognitive theories differ in their views of how environmental variables influence learning?
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What are variables that affect learning?

Variables that affect learning include previous knowledge and experiences, motivation, learning environment, teaching methods, and individual differences in cognitive abilities. These factors can influence how effectively a person learns and retains information.

What is a relational hypothesis?

A relational hypothesis is a statement that predicts the relationship between two or more variables in a research study. It proposes how changes in one variable are expected to influence changes in another variable. It is used to test and analyze the associations between variables in a study.

What are the national cultural variables?

National cultural variables refer to factors such as language, customs, traditions, values, and beliefs that are shared by a specific country or nation. These variables can influence various aspects of society, including communication styles, business practices, interpersonal relationships, and decision-making processes. Understanding and adapting to national cultural variables is important for effective cross-cultural communication and collaboration.

What is explanatory reserch?

Explanatory research aims to explain the relationships between variables and phenomena by uncovering the underlying mechanisms and factors that influence outcomes. This type of research goes beyond describing a situation to understand why or how something occurs. It is often used to test hypotheses and establish causal relationships between variables.

What variables can affect students performance on a social studie quiz?

Not sleeping

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Behavioral variables are the criteria or yardsticks for measuring and comparing among different individuals. The are mainly observable and measurable characteristics or responses. Agorua, Christopher Eme-eji

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Environmental variables such as light, water, temperature, soil nutrients, and humidity can influence plant growth. Each student should control these variables to promote healthy plant growth, by providing adequate sunlight, water, nutrients, and maintaining appropriate temperature and humidity levels. Monitoring and adjusting these variables will help ensure successful plant growth in each student's experiment.

What is the environmental variables affecting biomes?

Environmental variables affecting biomes include temperature, precipitation, sunlight, soil type, and topography. These factors influence the types of plant and animal species that can thrive in a particular biome, ultimately shaping the overall ecosystem structure and function. Changes in these environmental variables can lead to shifts in biome composition and distribution.

To eliminate the influence of uncontrolled variables during experimentation one should?

To eliminate the influence of uncontrolled variables during experimentation

What is an advantage of an in vitro experiment?

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What is psychological variables?

Psychological variables are factors that can influence an individual's thoughts, feelings, and behavior, such as emotions, beliefs, personality traits, self-esteem, and cognitive processes. These variables are important in understanding human behavior and addressing mental health issues. They can vary from person to person and can be affected by internal and external factors.

Explanation to account for observations of many types?

The diverse types of observations can be attributed to the wide range of variables that exist in nature. These variables can include environmental factors, genetic differences, and individual behavior, among others. By considering these variables, we can better understand the complexity of the natural world and the various factors that influence the observations we make.

Which paradigm would be least likely to manipulate independent variables... humanistic biological behavioral cognitive I need the BEST answer. thank-you?

Humanistic paradigm would be least likely to manipulate independent variables as it focuses on personal growth, self-awareness, and individual experiences. Humanistic approach emphasizes the uniqueness of each individual and does not involve controlling or manipulating external factors in experiments.

What is situational variable?

A situational variable is a factor that can influence behavior in a specific situation. These variables can include environmental factors, social norms, or specific circumstances that impact how individuals act or respond in different situations. Understanding situational variables is important in psychology and sociology to predict and explain behavior.

What variables do criminologists think influence criminal behavior?

Criminologists believe that various factors can influence criminal behavior, including biological, psychological, social, and environmental variables. These factors can include genetics, brain chemistry, childhood experiences, socio-economic status, peer influence, and access to education and resources. It is generally accepted that criminal behavior is the result of a complex interaction between these different factors.