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The role of collecting research data is to obtain as much information on their patient as possible. They must perform various tests and submit to the doctor for evaluations.

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5mo ago

LPNs can assist in collecting research data by conducting surveys, administering questionnaires, and obtaining informed consent from participants. They may also record vital signs, gather samples, and perform other clinical tasks necessary for data collection under the supervision of research staff. LPNs play a crucial role in ensuring accurate and reliable data collection for research studies.

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What is the researchers role in conducting qualitative research and how is this different from quantitative research?

In qualitative research, the researcher's role is to gather in-depth data through interviews, observations, and analysis to understand the underlying meanings and experiences of participants. This approach allows for greater flexibility, exploration, and understanding of complex social phenomena compared to quantitative research, which focuses on numerical data and statistical analyses to make generalizable conclusions. Quantitative research aims to measure relationships between variables and test hypotheses using structured data collection methods.

Importance of hypothesis in social research?

Hypotheses in social research help researchers make predictions about relationships between variables, guiding the direction of their studies. They provide a framework for data collection and analysis, helping researchers determine whether patterns in the data support or refute their expectations. Overall, hypotheses play a critical role in ensuring that social research is rigorous, systematic, and focused on specific research questions.

What is the role of an enumerator?

An enumerator collects data through surveys or interviews, ensuring accurate and complete responses from participants. They follow a specific protocol to gather information and may also clarify any ambiguous responses provided by participants. The role of an enumerator is crucial in obtaining reliable data for research or analysis purposes.

What is editing in research methodology?

Editing in research methodology refers to the process of reviewing and revising a research manuscript for clarity, consistency, and accuracy. It involves checking for errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and formatting to ensure that the research report is well-written and meets the standards of the intended audience. Editing plays a crucial role in improving the overall quality and effectiveness of a research study.

Role of computers in different fields?

Computers play a crucial role in various fields such as healthcare for managing patient records and running diagnostic tests, in finance for handling transactions and analyzing market trends, in education for providing digital resources and online learning, and in research for data analysis and simulations. They streamline processes, increase efficiency, and enable complex tasks to be performed with speed and accuracy.

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