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-Both given emphasis on nature

-Emphasised on tressfree learning

-absolute freedom to learner

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2mo ago

Rabindranath Tagore's philosophy emphasized spirituality, interconnectedness, and the importance of intuition and creativity in understanding the world. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, on the other hand, focused on individual freedom, the social contract, and the idea of the noble savage. While both philosophers valued the role of nature in human life, they approached it from different perspectives.

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Q: Differences between the R. N. Tagore's philosophy and Rousseau's philosophy?
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What are within group and between group differences?

Within-group differences refer to variations that exist among individuals or data points within the same group or category. This can include differences in characteristics, behaviors, or outcomes within the group. Between-group differences refer to variations that exist between different groups or categories. This can include differences in averages, distributions, or patterns observed when comparing multiple groups.

What is Goldberg's thesis?

Goldberg's thesis is that biological differences between men and women underpin societal gender roles and differences in behavior. He argues that these differences are rooted in evolutionary biology and are responsible for various disparities between the sexes.

What is relation between education and philosophy?

Education and philosophy have a deep relationship as philosophy helps shape the underlying principles and values guiding educational practices. Philosophical perspectives influence how education is structured, what is considered important to learn, and how teaching and learning methods are designed. Therefore, philosophy plays a crucial role in shaping the goals, content, and methods of education.

What is the difference between philosophy of education and theory of education?

The philosophy of education examines the fundamental beliefs and values underlying educational practices and goals. On the other hand, the theory of education focuses on the practical application and implementation of specific educational strategies and methods. Philosophy of education is more abstract and theoretical, while theory of education is more concrete and operational.

Which theories bridged the gap between ancient and medieval philosophy?

Neoplatonism, particularly the ideas of Plotinus, played a significant role in bridging the gap between ancient and medieval philosophy. Neoplatonism integrated elements of Platonic philosophy with elements of Aristotelian and Stoic thought, influencing medieval philosophers like Augustine and Boethius. Additionally, the works of early Christian philosophers like Origen and Clement of Alexandria helped to synthesize classical philosophical ideas with Christian theology.

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