They are used to query to fuzzy databases that are enhanced
from relational databases in a way that fuzzy sets are allowed in
both attribute values and truth values. A fuzzy calculus query
language is constructed based on the relational calculus and
a fuzzy algebra query language is also constructed based on
the relational algebra. In addition, this paper proves a fuzzy
relational completeness theorem such that both the languages
have equivalent expressive power to each other.
Index Terms-Fuzzy database, query languages, relational algebra,
relational calculus, relational completeness.
DA TABASE technology has been advanced up to the relational database stage with the purpose that user
interfaces with databases may approach a level of human
interfaces. It is recognized that the fuzzy theory is suitably
applied to some human-oriented engineering fields, one
FUZZY database
Select Name where Name I Age I Tuple truth
Age i "vepy young", iiiiiiiiii=j*iiiiiiiiii..=iiii
__....--___> __To. _I_ Youns _I_ t_r u e_ ...----
(---.-...-----------...----- Mary I 30 I 0.7
Tom: A r e = " ~ o u n g ' . Bob I mBddle I nearly 0 . 5
John Inearlr 401 quite true
Ron I old I 0.3
Fig. 1. A query to a fuzzy database.
A fuzzy database is defined as an enhanced relational
database that allows fuzzy attribute values and fuzzy truth
values; both of these are expressed as fuzzy sets. An example
of the fuzzy database is shown in Fig. 1.
of which is information processing, in particular database
retrieval. In fact, fuzzy database models that allow fuzzy
attribute values and fuzzy truth values in enhanced relational
databases have been studied in [3] and [4]. However, these
studies are restricted to just some particular applications and
not grounded on theories of fuzzy database query languages.
Thus fuzzy database systems would not be systematically
developed on the basis of these studies; it is due to Codd's
relational database theory that relational database systems have
been systematically developed. It is desirable that theoretical
foundations of fuzzy databases be established in order to
systematically develop fuzzy database systems.
fuzzy database theory; it develops a theoretical foundation for
the fuzzy functional dependencies of fuzzy databases [I]. The
work encourages further research for the rest of theoretical
foundations of fuzzy databases. This paper thus aims to
databases. It proposes two fuzzy database query languages:
a fuzzy calculus query language and a fuzzy algebra query
language. In addition, it proves a relational completeness theorem
such that both the languages are equivalent in expressive
power to each other. With these theoretical foundations, fuzzy Truth Of any tup1es are either (= true) Or (=
database query systems will be developed systematically.
A. Data
A fuzzy database consists of relations: a relation is a relation
R(tl, ,tn) in a Cartesian product PI x PZ x ... x P, of
domains Pi; each P, is a set of fuzzy sets t, over an attribute
domain D, (1 5 i 5 n). It is assumed that key attributes
take ordinary nonfuzzy values. For the notational convenience,
fuzzy sets are identified with their representative membership
functions; for example, t; also denotes a membership function.
B. Fuzzy Attribute Values
Attribute values such as age have nonfuzzy values such as
fuzzy predicates such as ccyoung9a9n d <Gabout forty" in the
fuzzy database. For example, a fuzzy attribute value of "age
of Dr. x is is expressed as a possibility distribution
p (age of x) = YOUNG; YOUNG denotes a fuzzy set that
are identified with fuzzy sets such as YOUNG.
c. Fuzzy
in the relational database; truth values of any tuples are defined
as fuzzy predicates such as "0.7" and "completely true" in the
fuzzy database. Consider, for example, a tuple t that asserts
a fuzzy proposition: "It is completely true that Dr. x iS Very
much older than twenty." The truth value of t is expressed as
a possibility distribution P[T(t)]= N; T( t )d enotes a truth
value o f t and N denotes a fuzzy set that represents the fuzzy
an work has been done in the Of the 20 in the relational database; attribute values are defined as
a foundation of query languages to represents the fuzzy predicate "young." Thus attribute values
Manuscript received November 21, 1989; revised September 6, 1991 and
The author is with NlT Network Information Systems Laboratories,
IEEE Log Number 9205829.
May 29, 1992.
Kanagawa, Japan.
1041-4347/93$03.00 0 1993 IEEE
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Tehran. Downloaded on May 29,2010 at 10:52:24 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
predicate "completely true." Thus the truth values T(t) are
identified with fuzzy sets such as N over z E [0,1]; the value
z E [0,1] has the following meaning.
1) z = 0 means that the tuple t is completely false.
2) 0 < z < 1 means that the tuple t is true to the degree
3) z = 1 means that the tuple t is completely true.
In particular, each tuple t of the relation R(t1, . . . , tn) is
given a unique truth value T(t) by system designers at system
generation time. In this case, T(t) determines a mapping
T :P I x PZ x . . . x Pn + P([O1, 1) where P([O,1 1) is a set
of fuzzy sets over z E [O, 11.
expressed by the real number z.
A. Tuple Fuzzy Calculus
A tuple fuzzy calculus (query language) is constructed as
an enhancement of the tuple relational calculus. Formulas in
the tuple fuzzy calculus are of the form ( t l f ( t ) )t: i s a fuzzy
tuple variable each ith component ti, which is a fuzzy set in
P;; f is a tuple fuzzy well-formed formula (WFF).
Tuple fuzzy WFF's are enhanced from those of the tuple
relational calculus as follows.
1) Atomic Tuple Fuzzy WFF's: An atomic tuple fuzzy
WFF consists of fuzzy sets and a fuzzy comparison operator *.
The fuzzy comparison operator * is one of the operators: equal;
not equal; proper inclusion; inclusion. The fuzzy comparison
operator * is an enhancement from the arithmetic comparison
operator (=, #, <, >, 5,z) in the relational calculus. Then
the atomic tuple fuzzy WFF's are either of the following two
1) (t;)* ( s j ) ; here, it is assumed that t and s are fuzzy tuple
variables such that D; = Dj (1
2 ) (ti)* (c), (c) * (ti);h ere, it is assumed that c is a fuzzy
set over D;.
2) Logical Connectives and Quantifiers: Logical connectives
("AND," "OR," and "NOT") are used for tuple fuzzy
Also, quantifiers ("for all" and "there exists") are used for
tuple fuzzy WFF's.
3) Others: Other definitions concerning tuple fuzzy WFF's
are the same as in the tuple relational calculus.
Thus tuples in any relation R(tl,. . . , tn) that satisfy the
formula { t l f ( t ) }fo rm a set of Cartesian products of fuzzy
It should be considered further whether or not to include
fuzzy comparison operators * expressed by fuzzy relations
such as "much greater than," "is close to," "is similar to," and
"is relevant to."
i , j 5 n).
B. Query Evaluation
Queries expressed in the tuple fuzzy calculus are evaluated
by two steps as follows.
(Step 1) Selecting resultant tuples: Consider that the query
{tlf(t)} is issued to the relation R(t1,. . . , tn). Resultant
tuples are those r E R(t1, + . . , tn) each of which satisfies
the formula f(r).
(Step 2) Calculating truth values of resultant tuples: Let
any resultant tuple r be expressed as rkl . . . T k j ' . . rk, and
r be a projection of t E R(t1,. . . , tn) onto the components
ICl,...,ICj,...,km (1 5 m 5 n , l 5 k l , . . . , k j , . . . , k , 5
n). Then the truth value T(r) is defined as a projection of T(t)
onto the components k l , . . . , k j , . . . IC,: T(r) = Max .T(t),
where the maximum is taken over those components tk (1 5
Duplicate removal schemes are out of the scope of this paper
and left for future work: if two tuples T I , r2 having different
truth values T( r l ) ,T (r2)a re found to be duplicated, it is left
up to fuzzy database designers which one will be selected. The
fuzzy database designers will also choose which tuples from
the resultant tuples r should be returned to the users:
1) full sets or appropriate subsets of resultant tuples r should
be returned;
2) tuples r that contain truth values T(r) should be returned;
or when users need not make use of truth values T ( r ) ,tu ples r ,
from which truth values T(r) are removed, should be returned.
k 5 n), such that tk # tkj.
A domain fuzzy calculus (query language) is obtained from
1) replacement of tuple variables t with domain variables,
2) replacement of the ith tuple component ti with a domain
the tuple fuzzy calculus through the following replacements:
211212.. . ,Un;
variable ui (1 5 i 5 n).
A. Fuzzy Algebra
A fuzzy algebra (query language) is constructed as an
enhancement of the relational algebra. Fundamental fuzzy algebraic
operations are union, set difference, Cartesian product,
projection, and selection, which are defined as follows.
I ) Union: Let R and S denote any relations in the fuzzy
database. The union of R and S is a set of tuples that belongs
to R or S. The union is equal to that in set theory.
Any resultant tuple t by the union of R and S inherits the
truth value T(t) from its original tuple in R or S.
2) Set Difference: The difference R - S of R from S is a
set of tuples, each of which belongs to R and does not belong
to S. The difference is equal to that in set theory.
Any resultant tuple t by the set difference R - S inherits
the truth value T(t) from its original tuple in R.
3) Cartesian Product: The Cartesian product R x S of R
and S is a set of tuples, {(r, s ) l r : tuple in R, s: tuple in S}.
The Cartesian product is equal to that in set theory.
The truth value T(t) of the resultant tuple t = (rl s) by the
Cartesian product R x S is the minimum of T(r) and T(s)
where T(r) and T(s) are truth values of r and s, respectively.
4) Projection: The projection Proj(IC1, . . . , kj, . . . , k,)(R)
of R onto the lcjth attributes is a set of tuples of the lcjth
attribute values. The projection is equal to that in set theory.
Let r denote any resultant tuple of the projection
Proj(i1,i z,. . . , im) (R)o f t E R. Then the truth value T( r )i s
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Tehran. Downloaded on May 29,2010 at 10:52:24 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
the maximum of T(t) taken over those components tk, such
5) Selection: Let G denote a fuzzy WFF involving the
i) operands that are constant fuzzy sets and attribute item
ii) the fuzzy set comparison operators * (equal, not equal,
iii) logical connectives "OR," "AND," and "NOT."
The selection SelG(R) of the relation R is a set of tuples
t in R each of which satisfies the fuzzy WFF G when any
occurrences of the number i in G are replaced with the ith
component of T in R.
When any resultant tuple T is made by the selection
SelG(R)t, E R inherits the truth value T( t )f rom the original
tuple t in R: T(T) = T(t).
Some additional fuzzy algebraic operations such as intersection,
quotient, &join, and natural join are defined as
combinations of the fundamental fuzzy algebraic operations
defined previously in the same way as in the relational algebra.
For example, the &join and the natural join are defined as
6) 0-Join: The &join of R and 5' is defined as a combination
of two fundamental fuzzy algebraic operations: the
Cartesian product and the selection where 8 is enhanced
to a fuzzy comparison operator * (equal, not equal, proper
inclusion, inclusion). Truth values of resultant tuples by the
&join are calculated as those of combinations of the two
fundamental fuzzy algebraic operations.
7) Natural Join: The natural join of R and S is defined as a
combination of three fundamental fuzzy algebraic operations:
the Cartesian product, the selection, and the projection. Truth
values of resultant tuples by the natural join are calculated as
those of combinations of the three fundamental fuzzy algebraic
that tk # tkj.
following constituents:
numbers of the relation R;
proper inclusion, inclusion);
B. Que? Evaluation
Any query by the fuzzy algebra is expressed as a combination
of the fundamental fuzzy algebraic operations. Thus the
resultant tuples T and their truth values T ( T )by this query are
obtained as combinations of its constituent fundamental fuzzy
algebraic operations.
Duplicate removal schemes and return methods of resultant
tuples to users are the same as described in the fuzzy calculus.
The relational database theory establishes the relational
completeness theorem such that the relational calculus is
equivalent in expressive power to the relational algebra [2].
A similar theorem in the fuzzy database is given.
Theorem: The following three fuzzy database query languages
have the same expressive power:
1) tuple fuzzy calculus;
2) domain fuzzy calculus;
3) fuzzy algebra.
Proof: The fundamental idea of the proof of this theorem
is given by Ullman [2, pp. 114-1221; it presents the proof of
the relational completeness theorem for the relational database
query languages. Ullman's proof techniques consist of the
following three reduction techniques:
i) reduction of the relational algebra to the tuple relational
ii) reduction of the tuple relational calculus to the domain
relational calculus;
iii) reduction of the domain relational calculus to the relational
The reduction technique ii) is just the transformation between
variable expressions, and thus is not influenced by the
enhancements of the fuzzy database query languages. Therefore,
it should be proved here that the reduction techniques i)
and iii) can also be extended to cover the enhancements of the
fuzzy database query languages.
There are two essential enhancements in the fuzzy database
query languages from the relational database.
1) The fuzzy database allows fuzzy sets as attribute values;
the fuzzy comparison operators * (equal, not equal, proper
inclusion, inclusion) are used in the fuzzy database query languages
instead of the arithmetic comparison operators (=, #
, <, > ,z2,) used in the relational database query languages.
2) The fuzzy database allows fuzzy sets as truth values
T(t),t E R; truth values T(r) of resultant tuples T are
inherited from T(t) of original tuples t E R, or calculated
as combinations of Cartesian products or projections of T(t)
of original tuples t E R.
The enhancement 1) is easily incorporated into the reduction
techniques i) and iii) by replacing the arithmetic comparison
operators with the fuzzy comparison operators.
Next, consider the enhancement 2). Remember that the truth
value T(t) of the tuple t is defined just depending on the fuzzy
set and fuzzy set operations that have been established in fuzzy
theory; calculations of T(r) are made independently of any of
the definitions of the fuzzy database query languages. Thus the
reduction techniques i) and iii) can be extended to incorporate
the enhancement 2). This completes the proof. QED
This paper proposes two fuzzy database query languages
(fuzzy relational calculus and fuzzy relational algebra)
based on the relational database query languages. In
addition, it proves the relational completeness theorem
such that both the languages are equivalent in expressive
power to each other. As in the case of the relational
database, this relational completeness theorem in the fuzzy
database is expected to provide a criterion for the
minimum fuzzy database query capability that must be
implemented in any reasonable real fuzzy database query
There are interesting further theoretical studies still left.
More complicated fuzzy queries, including more general fuzzy
comparison operators such as "much greater than," and "is
close to", need to be studied. Such queries include, for
example, a statement "select several persons where their age is
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Tehran. Downloaded on May 29,2010 at 10:52:24 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
a little over than that of v,o ung bovs." Other studies need to be 131 M. Umano. "Relational algebra in fuzzy database," IEICE Tech. Rep. U , . >
devoted to duplicate removal schemes and query optimization cih Japanese) v01r86, no. 192>-PP. 1986.
[4] M. Zemankova-Leech and A. Kandel, "Fuzzy relational databases-A techniques to improve execution efficiency of the fuzzy query key to expert systems," Verlag TUV Rheinland GmbH, 1984. I . -
languages; both of these are completely out of the scope of
this paper though these are essential to the fuzzy database.
Practically, there also should be an interesting further study
how to implement the fuzzy database query languages in this
paper by extending the existing real relational database query
languages, such as the international standard database language
[l] K. V. S. V. N. Raju and A. K. Majumdar, "Fuzzy functional dependencies
and lossless join decomposition of fuzzy relational database
systems," ACM Trans. Database Sysr., vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 129-166, June
1 OR!?
Yoshikane Takahashi received the M.Sc. degree in
mathematics from the University of Tokyo, Tokyo,
Japan in 1975.
He is currently with NlT Network Information
Systems Laboratories, Kanagawa, Japan. His
research fields include communications protocol,
fuzzy theory, neural networks, nonmonotonic logic,
genetic algorithms, and knowledge information theory.
Mr. Takahashi was awarded the Moto-oka Commemorative
Award in 1986. He is a member of the
[Z] J. D. Ullman, Principles of Database Systems. Rockville, MD: Com- Japanese Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers,
puter Science, 1980. and the Information Processing Society of Japan.
Fuzzy querying in relational databases involves retrieving results that are approximate or similar to the query conditions specified by the user. This can help account for variations, typos, or inaccuracies in the data. Fuzzy querying usually involves techniques like similarity matching, partial matching, or using fuzzy logic to provide more flexible and inclusive search results.
A positive theory seeks to understand how something is or how it operates, without making value judgments or prescribing how it should be. It aims to describe and explain phenomena based on empirical evidence and facts, rather than opinions or beliefs.
Dramatic construction is a theory in theatre or performance studies that looks at how plays or performances are built and organized to create an effective dramatic experience for the audience. It involves examining elements like plot, character development, setting, and conflict resolution to understand how these components contribute to the overall impact of a production.
Color theory is a set of principles that describe how colors interact with each other. It includes concepts such as the color wheel, color harmony, and the psychological effects of colors. Color theory is used in various fields such as art, design, and marketing to create visually appealing combinations and communicate messages effectively.
The punctuated equilibrium theory suggests that evolution occurs in rapid bursts of change interspersed with long periods of stasis. It proposes that species experience sudden bursts of evolutionary change due to localized environmental pressures, followed by extended periods of little to no change. This theory contrasts with the gradualism model, which suggests a constant and gradual rate of evolution over time.
Humanistic theory emphasizes personal growth and self-actualization, which resonates with college students who are exploring their identity and purpose in life. Evolutionary theory and drive reductionism are more focused on biological and instinctual motivations, which may not capture the complexities of human emotions and experiences that students are navigating. College students may find humanistic theory more empowering as it emphasizes the individual's capacity for self-improvement and fulfillment.
David Maier has written: 'The theory of relational databases' -- subject(s): Database management, Relational databases
Stefan Stanczyk has written: 'Theory and practice of relational databases' -- subject(s): Relational databases, Database management
DEFINITIONS: Set Theory - branch of mathematics that studies sets, which are collections of objects... Relational Databases - matches data by using common characteristics found within the data set...... YOUR ANSWER: Set theory can be applied to relational databases on effectively organizing data. See more on Relations on Set Theory. Once you understand relations or relationships in mathematics, you will easily be able to organize and simplify your data into your databases.
Stefan K. Stanczyk has written: 'Theory and practice of relational databases'
Relational systems store data in tables with predefined schemas and use SQL for querying. Non-relational systems store data in flexible document or key-value formats and use various query languages or APIs for access. Relational systems are well-suited for structured data and complex queries, while non-relational systems are more flexible for unstructured or changing data and offer better scalability.
Cognitive motivational relational theory is a framework that explores how cognitive processes, emotions, and motivation interact in influencing social interactions and relationships. It emphasizes the role of individuals' thoughts and beliefs in shaping their motivation to engage with others and the quality of their relationships. This theory highlights the importance of understanding how cognitive factors contribute to social behavior and relationship outcomes.
Julian D. Kitchen has written: 'Relational teacher development' -- subject(s): Attitudes, Education, Knowledge, Theory of, Philosophy, Social conditions, Teachers, Theory of Knowledge
In database theory, a relation is defined as a set of tuples that have the same attributes. A tuple is also known as a row or record.
Cognitive appraisal theory and two-factor theory describe Schachter and Singer's theory of emotion. This theory suggests that our emotions are influenced by both our physiological arousal and our cognitive interpretation of the situation.
There is ONLY one type of database that is underlain by sound mathematical theory (Relational Calculus/Algebra see related link below) by means of which you can prove theoretically that the database works and that operations across it are true and valid. That database is the Relational Database. It would be incorrect for an organization to trust its data to ANY database that was not provably correct (if something was to go wrong the directors could be sued for choosing a database where they could not prove it was sound). Therefore the choice would have to be to place the company data into a Relational Database. An object oriented database could be used ONLY if it was implemented in/on a underlying Relational Database engine/platform (which is possible). Further, while object databases have acquired a niche in application areas such as engineering and spatial databases, telecommunications, high energy physics, molecular biology, in embedded use in devices and in real-time systems (where the requirement for data storage and retrieval is constrained to specific, narrow tasks and where speed is essential, I know of no implementation where an object database is used for corporate/business information.
Describe the Investment and Confluence theory of creativity?