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It may be challenging to pass 8th grade with a D average if you receive two failing grades in one subject. It's important to focus on improving your grades and seeking help if needed to avoid falling below passing. Consider talking to your teacher or a school counselor for support and guidance.

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Q: Can you make two f's in one subject and still pass 8th grade with an d average?
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What is correlated curriculum?

Correlated curriculum refers to aligning instruction and content across different subject areas or grade levels to reinforce learning objectives and skills. This approach helps students make connections between various topics and promotes a more cohesive and integrated educational experience.

Why is their a need for a curriculum framework?

A curriculum framework provides a structure and guide for designing, implementing, and evaluating educational programs. It ensures alignment with learning goals and standards, promotes consistency in content delivery, and helps educators plan effective instruction. Additionally, a framework allows for more systemic and organized approach to curriculum development.

What did the average teacher make in 1957?

In 1957, the average teacher's salary was around $4,000 per year in the United States. This amount varied depending on factors such as location, experience, and level of education.

What is the term for concepts in a study such as the average age of a person up on acquiring his or her first job and the average salary he or she was paid for that job?

Those concepts are referred to as variables in a study. In this case, the variables are the average age of a person upon acquiring their first job and the average salary they were paid for that job. These variables can be studied and analyzed to draw conclusions or make predictions.

What are vertical articulation curriculum?

Vertical articulation curriculum refers to a planned alignment of learning standards and outcomes from one grade level to the next, ensuring continuity and progression in students' learning experiences. This approach helps to create a seamless transition for students as they progress through different grade levels, ensuring they build on their knowledge and skills in a cohesive manner. It also allows educators to identify gaps or redundancies in the curriculum and make adjustments as needed.

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It depends on how many tests you already have taken. If you took 20 tests before it doesn't make that much of a difference. If you took 3 tests before your grade is bumped down.

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no. you should definitely feel insecure about yourself and let others make fun of you

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I asked this question lol, but I think your grade average has to be about hundred (over 95%) to make to the NBA. Your behavior may also matter. Only if your as good as Lebron James, Dwayne Wade, Chris Bosh, Kobe Bryant, Kevin Durant, and Russel Westbrook together you can make it to the NBA with low grades.

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No. Science is a very important subject and failing in it would make impossible for you to get promoted to the next grade.

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ask a 6th grade teacher or a 7th grader im only in 5th grade im mixed with 6th graders hope this helps x]

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3RD GRADE? You are way to young to like someone. You should focus on being energetic and careless. ( 4th grade is still to young.)

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add food grade coloring available at most grocery stores

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