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No, it's not safe to wear tampons before menstruation or even with light flow.

Tampons absorb vaginal moisture leading to vaginal tissues becoming dry and damaged, the damage to vaginal tissues allow TSST-1 toxins responsible for TSS a more direct route into the bloodstream so increases TSS risk. Wearing tampons without menstruation can also be uncomfortable. If you're really worried about your period starting when swimming then you can safely use menstrual cups, diaphragms, or softcups before your period without TSS risk.

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Q: You will be at a water park right before your period is due you have been early before so you are nervous about starting while you are there Is it safe to wear a tampon just in case?
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Can you still get your period if you were a tampon before you have it?

Yes, a period is a result of hormones and wearing or not wearing a tampon has nothing to do with it. Never ever wear a tampon without having a period. Read the warnings on the tampon box because it tells you not to do that.

How do you put on and remove a tampon if you never got your period?

I hope you are not wearing a tampon when not on a period. This is unhealthy and if you are just starting your period you should not be using a tampon until you are older. The tampon box gives written as well as a diagram of how to put in a tampon. Follow the directions and read the warnings. This is very important.

You put in a tampon before your period and blood came out?

You were expecting your period and you got IT before IT got you!

How do you stop your period before a dance?

you can't but you can try wearing a thinner pad or a tampon :)

When a girl is on her period at school what should you do?

Well, if you have never got it before ask a female adult for a pad or tampon. If you've had it before stick a pad or tampon in pocket just in case.

What happens if i use a tampon before my period starts?

Not a good idea. Tampons can cause a bacterial infection called toxic shock. It can kill you. Even on your period you need to be careful of wearing a tampon too long.

Is is safe to try a tampon although you are not on your period?

No. Tampon should only be worn when on a period and taken out several times a day. Bacteria builds in the tampon and can cause a infection called toxic shock syndrome. It will kill if the bacteria enters the blood stream. Young girls starting their periods also should not use tampons for the first year or two. Read the tampon boxes.

What is the definition of the Victorian period?

a period without a tampon

Can you use a tampon while on azithromycin?

Yes, you can use a tampon whenever you have a period

Brown spots on tampon?

If you remove a tampon and it has brown spots then it is likely old blood, normal when your period is light as it takes time for the blood to leave your body and it goes brown. If your period is light then you should not be using tampons at all, only use tampons with full flow. If the tampon has brown spots before insertion then throw it out and check other tampons before using them.

What do you do when a girl has a period?

you get a tampon or pad

I am just starting my period for the first time the second day nothing will come out on the pad but when istick a tampon in blood will come out on it why is this?

It's not unusual to have a small amount of menstrual fluid at the opening of the cervix, up at the top of the uterus, that will be obvious on a tampon, but would have taken a while to show up on your pad. It needs to make the trip down the vagina before you see it on the pad, but you'll see it on the tampon. No worries -- perfectly normal.