

Best Answer

Nobody can tell you what to write - you must write what is in your own heart and mind. Copying what someone else has written leads to dull, boring writing that is not going to help you learn how to write better. It is also known as plagiarism, and if you publish the writing you copy, you can be sued.

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Q: You want to write your bad and happy moments you want to write about your pet parrot how do you?
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I don't really understand the question that you are asking. I think though that you want to know is what it means. It means that Life should be counted by how many happy, pleasant, excited, etc, moments you have had. The moments that you would always like to remember. Does it really matter how long you live if you aren't happy or do not have any happy memories? Excellent question by the way. Hope I answered it the way that you wanted.

If you were a pirate would like a parrot on this shoulder or the other?

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Am I human or parrot?

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What you say to female parrot?

Does Polly want a cookie?

How are eyes of a parrot?

Your question is incomplete. What do you want to know?

Can you eat parrot eggs?

If you want to, then yes.

When i bought my parrot to home he was so happy but now he does not eat much and i think that he is sad and he does not talk much. What should i do?

So, you brought your parrot home and he was so happy but now he doesn't eat or talk much and you think he might be sad. What you should do in this case is try as much as possible not to change your behavior towards the parrot. Parrots are very receptive to a change in their caregiver's personality and you will only confuse him all the more. Treat him exactly the same as you have before. You also might want to consider a companion for him as he could be lonely.

What is a tame parrot?

A tame parrot is a parrot that isn't afraid of human contact. It is a bird that will not attack unless provoked and will not always try and fly away from you. A very tame parrot that has a close bond with you will get excited when it heres you, and want to come out and play with you.

Why do pirate want parrot?

They could sell them when they needed money.