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Q: You want know MD NAME of tanishq?
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What does MD APC after my doctors name mean?

Medical Doctor, A Professional Corporation

How do you create a folder on MS-DOS using the MD command?

At the dos prompt (c:>), type md then a space, then the name of the folder you want to create. Example md foldername

Was Stacy's maiden name ever mentioned on House MD?

We only know her as Stacy Warner, so no

Where to put md when you put last name first?

When putting the last name first, you can place "MD" after the first name. For example: "John Doe, MD" would be written as "Doe, John MD."

What was the location of the waterfall at the end of the celebrex commercial?

I want to know too. I think it is Swallowfalls State Park MD. But I am not sure.

Can you do MD in Pakistan after d-pharm?

yes i want to do MD in Pakistan after pharm.D

How do you create a folder using the command prompt in windows 7?

in cmd type "md FileName" in the directory you want the folder. md= Make Directory. And where FileName is you would put what ever name you wanted.

What was the original name of MD Ali Jinnah?

The original name of Md. Ali Jinnah was Jinnahbhai Khojani.

What is aether MD flash games?

Aether MD is a creator of a particular flash game.i don't know how old you are but i doubt that you have the age required to play what you call an "Aether MD" game.Aether MD creates flash games, if we want to be precise ; Yaoigames.Now, if you don't know what yaoimeans, i suggest you look up the definition.But do me a favor, look up yaoidefinition. Not only the word yaoi,or else you might be startled by what you just found.....

Do you capitalize MD after someone's name?

Yes, a job's titlename should be capitalized after a perso n's name. Examples: Joh n Smith, MD A n na Ri no, MD

How did MD get its name?

medical doctor

How did Barney fife sign his name?

Barney signed his name Barney Fife MD but MD stands for Mayberry Deputy not DR.