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Ok, what i would do is become really good friends with her and thensee if she likes you. The best way you can see if she likes you is play a game of what people call "Ball". If you see her, walk away and then when you think your quite far away, look at her eyes. She will catch you, and if she smiles or blushes, she's into you, if she just gives you a funny look, she don't. And if you want to look like a ladies man, walk past her and smile. Evan thogh she is pretty, she is like every other girl. Now if you have made friends with her and played Ball with her, communiacate with her friends, this wont just improve your chance, it shall improve you social life!when you have done all of these and all the signs point to the her loving you, then its time for the most scary'ist part, the asking out! Keep calm and make sure there are NO one around, expecially people who take the mic out of you, walk up and say "I.....really like you....will you......go out with me?" While you are asking this question, look at here shoes or the floor, if she says 'me?' look up and say yes. but if she says i shall think about it, it really ups your chances. But what ever you do DONT i repeat DONT bug her about it, or she shall change her mind. If she doesn't answer in 2 weeks, its a no.

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what grade are you in?

Tell her how you feel, a girl loves a guy with confidence. im in yr 9, but i never talk to her much but im attracted to her like crazy...

and she''s"cool" and im not

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12y ago

Well,first you should start by just acting like yourself,if she doesnt like you as yourself then you deserve her.You should ask her out when she is not around her friends and where you want to remember that place as a nice,good place.The reason why you shouldn't do it around her friends is because then she is going to follow what her friends think.And how to say it to her is something like so do you like me and depeneding on her answer depends on if you should ask her or not.

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