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If you're going to be a writer, you have to come up with the ideas, not some anonymous person on the internet. Writers are not going to give you good ideas that they could actually sell. Here's a link to teach you how writers get ideas.

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Q: You are writing a story about a girl who has to make a really big decision in her life What should the decision be?
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If the main character girl in a story has to make a really important decision what should it be?

You're the writer -- you need to write your own book, not let some anonymous person on the internet do it for you!If the story is not interesting enough for you to think of a decision, then it's not the story you should be writing. If you're a writer, you don't have to ask other people what to write about. Here are some related questions to look at about being a writer.

You really feel like writing a story but you need a topic any ideas?

If you really felt like writing, you'd have a story idea. Click on the link to see how writers get story ideas.

If you are writing a ghost story what should happen?

Honestly, if you have no idea what to write about, you should not write this story! If you have a story you want to write, you will know what will happen. Try to choose a different kind of story that is really interesting to you, and you will be able to tell what should happen. Click on the Related Questions for more help!

I am writing a story but don't know if i should put it as a play or a really life story?

It's much easier to start off as a piece of prose and then if you want it as a playscript to adapt it.

What should you understand in a story?

When reading stories, you should understand a few things:What is the story about (the plot)?Who is the story about (the characters)?Where and when is the story taking place (the setting)?Why did the author write the story?Who is the author writing to (the audience)?How is the author writing (the tone)?What is the author trying to say to you as a reader?

When writing a good opening should .?

a good opening would bring your reader into a closer point of the story or writing.

Is creative writing the same as a story writing?

Creative writing is not necessarily writing a story. It means just what it seems to. Fictional story writing is a part of creative writing though.

When you are writing a story about a mutant chicken what should the chicken do?

The chicken should do whatever you want -- it's yourcharacter! Don't depend on anonymous people on the internet to tell you what to do with your writing.

I am writing a story for my english class. It has to involve love somehow, what should i write about?


What is the author's purpose of writing the story Footnote to Youth?

The purpose is to leave a lesson for the youth to think many times before jumping into a big decision in life.

If a woman is writing a book should the character narrating the story be a man or a woman?

its better for it to be a man

What is writing a story?

it is writing your imagination down and telling a story to whoever reads it