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it really depends on what im doing. i would probably rather grass though.

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Q: Would you rather grass or pavement?
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What is the Opposite of grass?

The opposite of grass would typically be considered as something like pavement or concrete.

Will the pavement or grass heat up faster on a hot day?

Pavement will heat up faster than grass on a hot day because pavement absorbs and retains heat more effectively than grass. Grass tends to have a higher albedo, meaning it reflects more sunlight and absorbs less heat compared to pavement.

Is there more runoff on pavement than on grass?

Yes there is. Because if it is in the grass it will soak into the soil. :)

Why is it that pavement creates more friction than grass?

Pavement is smoother and harder than grass, providing a rougher surface for tires to grip onto, thus creating more friction. Grass has a softer and uneven surface, resulting in less traction and lower friction compared to pavement.

Will the pavement or grass heat up faster on a hot day and why?

Pavement will heat up faster than grass on a hot day because it has a lower albedo, meaning it absorbs more solar energy. Grass has a higher albedo and also benefits from transpiration, which helps to cool the surface.

If you run off the pavement?

You'll be driving in the dirt/grass.

What force is responsible for the painful difference between sliding on pavement and sliding on grass?

friction: the force that resists relative motion between two bodies in contact.

What would Americans call the pavement?

the pavement

What force is responsible for the painful difference between sliding on grass and sliding on pavement?

The force responsible for the painful difference between sliding on grass and sliding on pavement is primarily friction. Grass has more resistance and provides a softer landing surface, reducing the impact force compared to the harder and more abrasive surface of pavement. This difference in friction and surface roughness affects how energy is dissipated during a slide, leading to a less painful experience on grass compared to pavement.

What would walking on hot pavement be?

Walking on hot pavement would definitely be uncomfortable!

Could desert pavement be found in a forest?

Desert pavement would not occur in a forest as the roots of plants help stabilize the soil preventing the erosion that causes desert pavement..Desert pavement would not occur in a forest as the roots of plants help stabilize the soil preventing the erosion that causes desert pavement.

Why is it easier to run across grass than it is along an icy pavement?

Well... An icy pavement doesn't have a lot of friction. Unless you have special shoes used for walking on ice that will give you better grip. Grass has a ton more friction than ice. But if you wanted to get even better grip, use cleats.