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No. School district is not a proper and should only be capitalized when placed at the beginning of a sentence, such as this one.

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Q: Would you capitalize school district if you say our school district?
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No you don't capitalize university unless you have the name of the university, like University of Texas. It's the same way if you say school you only capitalize school if you add the name of the school afterwards, such as Woodland school.

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If you are talking about it as a field of study you would capitalize it, but if you say I study math in general then not capitalized

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The motto of Asher Independent School District is 'Take the t off can't and say I can.'.

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No, you don't capitalize it because it's not a proper noun. If you say the brand name of the vodka, then yes, you would capitalize the brand name....example, Grey Goose.

What can be done about a racist school district and how do you get help for the minority children?

maybe i would say is that school shouldnt excist in the first place.and that you should change ur child from a school thats not racist.hopefully i can help :/

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It depends on 2 things... 1) Which state you live in and.. 2) Which district you live in Let's say for example, you live in the state of Florida and you live in the Sumter County school district. School would end on May 27, 2011. To find your school year calendar, just go to you school's website.

Should you capitalize Christianity?

Yes. You should capitalize all religions, as they are proper nouns.

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If you're speaking of a specific college. If you were to say "Your mom goes to college" then it would be lower case. Whereas if you're saying "Your mom goes to Trillium College" then you would capitalize it.

What is a 87 percent on school?

Well I would imagine it would look like a very large "8" "7" and "%" sitting on the roof of a school. If I were to pretend that you knew how to ask a proper question, I'd say that it depends on what school district you are going to. Ask your teacher or go to the school's web site.

Do you capitalize vitamins?

In a way. You would say vitamin D or vitamin B6.