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KEPPRA is the brand name of Levetiracetam (leh-veh-tir-AS-eh-tam). It is an antiepileptic prescribed for partial onset seizures. Adult dose range is 500 mg - 1500 mg twice a day. <<<ADR>>>

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Can you still have kids if you are on seizure medication keppra?

You need to consult your doctor in this. Keppra can be taken if you must but they don't know the effect on the fetus.

500mg equal how many grams?

.5 grams

A person is currently taking keppra for seizures and wants to start taking weight loss medications will that bring on a seizure?

A question like that can only be answered by your doctor or possibly your local pharmacist. It would be important to know the dosage of Keppra you are on, the weight loss medications you are intending to take and how your epilepsy is and state of health generally, including your weight.

Would naproxen 500mg help with pain from opiate withdrawls?

i don't know but i am about to take 1000 mg naproxen. not otc its the kind proscribed from a doctor. i'll let ya know soon.

Can keppra get you high?

if you take 10 or more, you can a strange warm feeling, and you get a slightly euphoric feeling of confusion, but it makes you want too pass out. I only know because the lethal dosage is actually crazy high so i was willing to experiment. source: I had a grand mal seizure while driving last December and ended up in a river...i had never had a seizure before that but was prescribed keppra after that. Most sources i have found online say a high from it is impossible. Put when i take a lot i actually enjoy the feeling

Can you loose the baby if you took a pill that was 500mg and didn't realize that you were pregnant?

If you didn't realize or know that you are pregnant, no it wont hurt the baby. My suggestion to you, would be to go see your doctor.

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How many teaspoons equals 500mg?

That very much depends on what you are putting on the spoon... But whatever substance it is, 500mg is probably a lot less than one teaspoon!

What if you have taken Metronidazole 500mg and did not know you were pregnant?

Inform your Dr so that they can check for any possible damage.

Can you take excedrin during a heart attack?

I am wondering this also, I am not a physician so I wouldn't know what to recommend. Taking 2 excedrin is like taking: 1 500mg Aspirin 1 500mg Tylenol &amp; 1 cup of coffee (caffeine) I know the Aspirin will help, I don't think the Tylenol will hurt, and it comes down to the caffeine. Would you caffeine help or hurt a heart attack? I know caffeine will cause the heart to beat faster. I guess a physician can let us know his opinion on the matter.

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How many 500mg capsules equal 1600 units?

You need to know the actual medicine to convert that, all Units are not the same.