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It is proven that smoking makes the skin wrinkle. When you stop smoking, the wrinkles will not go away, as this is a long-term aftermath of smoking. You can treat the wrinkles with cream to minimize them, but they won't go away completely. This is a reason why you you should not smoke!

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Q: Will wrinkles go away if you quit smoking?
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Where can one go to get help to quit smoking?

Some of the places you can go in order to get help to quit smoking are: Your doctor, the NHS quit smoking helpline, a hypnotist, a therapist or an accupunctuist.

where can i get help to quit smoking?

You can get in touch with someone to help you quit smoking in a variety of ways. You can talk to your doctor, and he or she can help you get on a quit smoking plan and help you locate local groups to help you. You can also contact the heart and stroke foundation. You can also go to and find information on how to quit smoking.

Do people who quit smoking go on to drugs later on in life?

Not everyone who quits smoking will later do drugs in. Some people replace their smoking habits with something else that may be drugs. Those who cant go without smoking but quit and still have the urge will most likely do drugs because of how similar it is.

Quit Smoking for Good?

There are a lot of ways to quit smoking for good. One important way is to try to find local groups that can help you quit smoking, and supporters. A few other things is to slowly ease off of it. Try cutting down by 2 every day until you can quit smoking or good. Chewing gum, and snacking on vegetables and fruits is a good way to quit smoking also. If it is too hard for you, then you can always go to a doctor and see what medications you can get on to help you kick the habit.

Why do people quit smoking?

People quit smoking because it is terrible for them, it is too expensive, or they realize that it is doing nothing for them, as in, all of the excuses TO smoke, are caused because of the nicotine addiction.

When should you quit smoking marijuana if you want accurate glaucoma test results?

marijuana normally can be detected up to 28 days after smoking or eating but beware if your getting a hair folicle drug test these can go back as far as 6 months

Can your lungs heal if you start smoking when you are young?

From the moment you quit smoking, you will begin to heal it takes about 1 year to clear your lungs out, and by year 3 or your quit lungs are perfectly healthy. Provided you didn't quit at the beginning of lung cancer. It is always a good practice to go to the doctor when starting your quit, and follow up to see improvements.

Why dont people quit smoking?

There are a lot of reasons people will give to not quit smoking. Smoking relieves stress Smoking helps me concentrate Smoking keeps me awake Smoking is socially cool I can quit whenever I want I smoke because I want to It doesn't cost much However these are all built by the illusions of smoking, the nicotine is a very addictive poison that infests the body. The body builds up a tolerance for highly addictive poisons...thus, the amount of nicotine you wanted before, would increase. Withdrawal does not feel like " I need more nicotine ". It feels like normal day to day stress, being tired, insecurity, etc. Then when you light up and these go away temporarily, you associate cigarettes with being a solution to these problems. This is the beautiful trap of smoking. Eventually you depend on cigarettes to relieve the problems it is causing, thinking without cigarettes these feelings would always be there. That is why people do not quit smoking.

I Smoked a cigarette eleven hours after taking patch off and still feel ill What do I do and will this go away?

I am surprised you're still alive.. you need to consult a doctor, and tell him how much of an idiot you are. QUIT SMOKING.

Can people can go day without smoking?

If they are addicted then it will be very hard, but if somone really wants to quit then it is up to them

Is Marijuana really harmless?

Well, it's not completely harmless, no. Smoking it constantly (like, every day) gives you short-term memory problems (but these normally go away when you completely quit smoking. There is no evidence that it causes permanent brain impairment). Also, smoking it constantly (like, every day) can cause lung cancer, emphysema, and other smoking-related diseases.

How do you quit smoking for good?

The only way to be able to give up smoking is to truly want to. You will need great will power then you should go to a hypnotist. They will hypnotise you to believe that it is disgusting and try to turn you off them. you quit that's it ha ha ha