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Err... I don't think so.

Then again, what do I know?

V-E-R-I-F-Y and let me know. (:


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Q: Will taking a hot bath after intercourse prevent pregnancy?
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Can a girl get pregnant if she takes bath with her partner?

The girl will not get pregnant unless she has sexual intercourse with her boy friend. There are high chances that she will go for sexual intercourse with her boy friend during taking a bath.

Is wetting the feet first in taking bath prevent hair loss?

WHAT????????????????????????????????????? never heard of that,,,

How do you prevent body odor when taking medicine?

Soaking in a bath of tomato juice does the trick.

How does taking a bath help a peasant?

Prevent disease such as the Black Plague and other bad aliments.

Can sharing bath cause pregnancy?

Sharing a bath won't cause pregnancy.

Is bubble bath safe for pregnant women?

If there is no medical indication (such as ruptured membranes or bleeding) to avoid taking bubble bath during a pregnancy, it is safe for mother and baby.

Is it necassary to take full bath after intercourse?


What does Muslim do after intercourse before they pray?

they take a bath

If a baby crying during intercourse what Islam says about feeding milk to baby?

Yes, it is permissible for a woman to feed her baby after intercourse without taking a bath. However, it is preferable to perform wudhu before feeding her baby. (Ahsanul Fataawa vol.2 pg.36).

What are the effects of bath salts on pregnancy?

None. There are many myths about home made pregnancy tests but they are all fake and does not work. Bath salt can not pick up on pregnancy hormones in urine.If you wonder if you can put bath salt in the tub while pregnant - yes you can.

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taking a bath after he bited a venomous snakes?what's the effect.