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In countries, states where marriage of same sex partners is legally recognised, there is no difference in the treatment of the partners as compared to a heterosexual marriage partnership.

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Q: Will a surviving same-sex spouse receive benefits?
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Can surviving spouse receive the pension?

In many cases, a surviving spouse may be eligible to receive a portion of their deceased spouse's pension benefits. The exact amount and eligibility criteria will depend on the pension plan's rules and the specific circumstances. It's important to check with the pension plan administrator.

How much increase could one expect from divorcee SS payments to widow benefits?

A former spouse can receive benefits under the same circumstances as a current spouse or widow/widower if the marriage lasted 10 years or more. Benefits paid to a surviving divorced spouse will not affect the benefitrates for other beneficiaries.

Can divorced people receive Social Security benefits if they are unmarried when the ex-spouse dies?

Yes, if the couple was married at least ten years and the surviving spouse is at least 60 years of age (survivors' retirement benefits) or 50, if disabled -- provided the surviving ex-spouse hasn't remarried and remained married. He or she must be single when the former husband or wife dies to qualify for compensation. A surviving ex-spouse may receive survivors' benefits at any age if caring for the decedent's natural or legally adopted minor children under age 16. The survivor may remarry after age 60 (or 50, if disabled) without jeopardizing his or her Social Security survivors' benefits.

In the state of Georgia if a spouse receives life insurance benefits is the surviving spouse responsible for the deceased spouse debt if surviving spouse's name is not on any of the debt owed?

In Georgia, as in most states, life insurance proceeds to a named beneficiary become the property of the beneficiary and are therefore not accessible to the creditors of the decedent. Of course, this does not apply to joint debt between the spouses or any debt solely in the name of the surviving spouse. In short, if the surviving spouse's name is not on the debt of the decedent, the surviving spouse has no legal obligation to pay such debt.

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In Ohio, a surviving spouse may have rights to a family allowance, exempt property, and a share of the deceased spouse's estate if there were children from a previous relationship. Depending on the circumstances, the surviving spouse may also have rights to social security benefits or life insurance proceeds.

What are Colorado laws on surviving spouse and property?

In Colorado, a surviving spouse is entitled to an "elective share" of the deceased spouse's estate, which is typically one-third of the estate. If the deceased spouse's will does not provide for the surviving spouse, they can choose to receive the elective share instead. Colorado also has laws that protect a surviving spouse's rights to the marital home and certain personal property.

Can a social security recipient outlive his social security benefits?

Generally yes, assuming you were legally married and didn't do them in. The surviving spouse can collect when they reach 62. If a surviving spouse is caring for a child who is receiving survivor benefits the spouse can also collect a benefit while the child is receiving benefits, and then it stops until the spouse is eligible for the retirement benefit.

In the state of Ohio if a spouse dies in a legal common law marriage performed before 1990 will the surviving common law spouse receive what the deceased spouse wishes in the legal will?

Yes. If the will is allowed the common law spouse will receive their devise under the will regardless of the status of the marriage. If the decedent died in Ohio without a will, or intestate, the surviving spouse in a common law marriage perfected before October 1991 would receive a spouses share under the laws of intestacy.

If property was owned by deceased spouse after marriage what is the property rights of the surviving spouse with no will?

In a common law jurisdiction, the surviving spouse may have the right to a portion of the deceased spouse's property through intestacy laws. This varies by jurisdiction, but generally the surviving spouse will receive a portion of the estate, with the remainder distributed to other relatives according to the laws of intestate succession. It's recommended to consult with a lawyer to understand specific rights in your location.

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Are you entitled to receive benefits from your spouse's pension if he dies and you are legally separated?

The length of the marriage is what usually determines if a spouse or ex spouse is entitled to any pension benefits either private, SS or RRB.