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If you are going to be applying for the type of jobs that would actually bother to check on the accreditation of your college, than yes, it will limit you. Other than that, no, it will not.

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Q: Will a regionally accredited degree limit you to working in that region?
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Can you only be employed in the region a college is regionally accredited and not other areas of the country?

No, the degree would be recognized in all US states and US territories. Just make sure the college or university has a regional accreditation. With a regional accreditation you can be assured the coursework and degree you complete will be recognized by all other colleges and universities as well as employers.

What is the adjective for region?

The adjective forms for the noun region are regional and regionally.

Is the University of Phoenix regionally or nationally accredited?

The University of Phoenix is regionally accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools/Higher Council of Learning. <><> Typically if you attend a Regional accredited school as a freshman, you are going to take a lot of general education type of classes your first year, a nationally accredited school will have more of a focus on the degree itself, about 70% towards the degree or core classes and 30% towards general ed. and college core. A nationally accredited school has to meet the same standards as a region. Nationally accrediting agencies are recognized by the DOE (Dept. of Education) such as ACICS. <><> The University of Phoenix is also accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), which in turn is recognized by the Council for Higher Education (CHEA) and the U.S. Department of Education (USDE). Refer to the Related Links below for more information on these agencies.

Is universal degree in accounting get exemption from professional accounting body?

Universal is an affiliated institute of Corllins online University. Corllins is an accredited university, which means that degrees awarded by Universal Degree are accredited and recognized. This also means that all local professional accounting bodies would accept their degree. It also depends on your region and the accounting body in that jurisdiction.

Is Ashwood University accredited and can its degrees be accepted in Nigeria?

Ashwood is an accredited university. Generally, accredited university degrees are considered recognized and are accepted by many universities around the world. Depending on your region, area of study and other factors, you might be asked to get your degree verified by the university that issued it. -------------------- Ashwood University is accredited however check the Related Link below as to the worthiness of the degrees You could have a problem getting them accepted in Nigeria.

How do you find a list of Nationally Accredited Universities or Colleges available in the United States?

You can use the Internet to check if a school is accredited by a legitimate organization at a database of accredited academic institutions, posted by the U.S. Department of Education at (There are a few legitimate institutions that have not pursued accreditation.) To find out if an accrediting agency is legitimate, check the list of recognized national and regional accrediting agencies maintained by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation at Accredited colleges and universities in the United States are accredited by regional accreditation associations, such as the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, etc. Although each one of these associations accredits only schools within its region, the credits from a regionally accredited institution are generally recognized by a regionally accredited institution in any other region. For instance, if you earned 30 credits at Boston University and then transferred to the University of Oregon, the U of O would accept your credits, even though the two schools are accredited by different regional associations. Certain programs within the university may be accredited by a national accreditation body specific to that discipline (for instance, the Psychology Degree would be accredited by the APA), but if the entire school claims to be "nationally accredited" I would view it with suspicion. Also, beware of any school that claims to be accredited by the "International Accreditation Agency for Online Universities" or by the "Universal Council for Online Education Accreditation"; neither one of these are recognized accreditation associations. Remember, a diploma mill can easily make up their own bogus accreditation association (with an impressive name, of course) and then grant themselves "full accreditation." It's very easy! There are six regional accrediting agencies that are recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and CHEA. These agencies accredit entire institutions. Each agency has a searchable database of the schools that it accredits on its website.

Are Florida Career College credits transferable?

Florida Career College is not a regionally accredited school and will not be recognized by other regionally accredited colleges and universities, and may not be recognized by some employers. Florida Career College offers credits for $300-$400 per credit for diplomas or credits not recognized by any other local reputable schools. Most community colleges offer credits for $65-$100 that can be transferred to other accredited colleges and universities within the same region. Florida Career College is not a "college," but a vocational technical school whose credits cannot be transferred to an accredited four year university or college. (United States Department of Education Regional Accreditation -Southern Association of Colleges and Schools - Educational institutions in Virginia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Tennessee and Texas)

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A region that does not have permanent residents or a working government is a possession.

What is a Region that does not have residents or a working government?

A region that does not have permanent residents or a working government is a possession.

Is Penn Foster high school accredited in state of Illinois?

Answer 1: According to their web site (see the link below), they have earned accreditation from the Commission on Secondary Schools and the Distance Education and Training Council.Answer 2: First, regarding the first answerer's quoting what's on Penn Foster's website, never believe what any school claims on its website regarding accreditation. Diploma/degree mills lie on their websites, all the time, about their alleged accreditation. Always take the time to look-up schools on the website of the "regional" accreditor which covers the state in which the school is physically located, and verify that said school is "regionally" accredited.The rest of the first answer is accurate, as far as it goes; but it doesn't really directly address the question... at least not in an obvious way; nor does it provide a sufficiently refined answer.Let me see, then, if I can clarify...Illinois does not accredit. Most states, in fact, do not accredit. All states do, usually, is approve (or disapprove) schools to be allowed (or not) to operate inside their states. That's it.At the high school (secondary school) level, only agencies approved by the US Department of Education (USDE) may accredit high schools... or elementary schools, too, as long as we're at it.At the college (post-secondary) level, only agencies approved by both USDE, and also the USDE-sanctioned Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), may accredit schools.At the high school level, only schools which are accredited by one of the US's six big USDE-approved "regional" accreditors are of any value. High school diplomas awarded by unaccredited high schools, or even USDE-approved "national" (as opposed to "regional") accreditors have no value. Avoid them.Only ever get a high school diploma from a "regionally" accredited high school. It matters not if the high school is of the online or in-classroom type. All that matters is the the high school is at least "regionally" accredited.Regionally-accredited post-secondary schools -- be they in Illinois, or any other state -- will typically not accept a high school diploma which isn't from a "regionally" accredited high school. Certainly most employers will not; and most government agencies (including the military) will not accept high school diplomas which are not from "regionally" (as opposed to "nationally") accredited high schools for employment or any other purpose.Penn Foster High School is "regionally" accredited. As it turns out, it's also "nationally" accredited, but that doesn't really matter as long as it's also "regionally" accredited. And Penn Foster High School is, indeed, "regionally" accredited.And so, then, any "regionally" accredited college or university -- in Illinois or any other state -- will absolutely and unquestionably accept it.What Illinois either wants or thinks matters not. Illinois's approval, or not, of at least Penn Foster High School plays no role in any of this because Penn Foster is in Pennsylvania; and it's approved there.All colleges/universities care about is whether the high school diploma of any of its applicants is "regionally" accredited. It matters not whether it was earned online or in-classroom. All the college/university wants to see when it looks-up Penn Foster High School is that it's "regionally" accredited......and it is. So, then, the bottom line answer to the question is that, yes, Penn Foster High School is not only accredited, but it's "regionally" accredited (which, for high schools, is the only way to go); and what Illinois wants plays no role in it.

What are opinions of Hill University in London?

It is not very difficult to find out you need to see if this university is accredited and recognized in your region or country. Also note that some universities particularly American universities operating in foreign countries reward a degree that is accredited by a regulatory agency in the US. Some universities also reward internationally accredited college degrees. I couldn't find the university's website but if you know the website then go there you might find this information on their website. If it's not there then ask them until you are satisfied.

Is Penn Foster a recommended school?

Sure, if you want to sit at home or work and not go to school. i know many people who didn't even go to high school but signed up for penn foster and went straight to college in 1 year finished all 4 years of high school. also they got financial aid, which is pretty good.