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you shouldnt

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Q: Why you should be njhs president?
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Related questions

What should a NJHS member be?

a reponsible and well educated student from the 6-8 grade

What are good reasons to be NJHS president?

Because it will look outstanding on your resume for a job or college, leadership skills, public speaking skills

How do you start a NJHS essay?

To start a National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) essay, begin with a strong introduction that introduces yourself, why you are interested in NJHS, and what qualities you possess that align with the society’s values of scholarship, leadership, service, character, and citizenship. Consider structuring your essay with a clear thesis statement outlining your main points.

What quote should you use for your NJHS Speech?

"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden." - Matthew 5:14. This quote can inspire NJHS members to strive for excellence, serve as role models, and make a positive impact in their community.

Could suspention affect NJHS?

Yes, suspension can negatively affect a student's eligibility for National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) as it may violate the organization's code of conduct and character standards. Suspensions could lead to a temporary or permanent disqualification from NJHS membership, depending on the specific circumstances and policies of the school and NJHS chapter.

Who is Jerry Alvarez?

a cool person that is in NJHS

What can students contribute to NJHS?

Being a good leader

What does a treasurer do in NJHS?

"The NJHS Treasurer shall keep accurate financial records in conjunction with any fund raising done. This will include all receipts and disbursements of the chapter"

What to do if you were not accepted into njhs but deserved it?

If you were not accepted into NJHS but deserved to be accepted, you might protest the letter of denial. You would need to prove that you were deserving of acceptance and that you were denied on some basis that was unfair.

What are some reasons why you should join NJHS?

It gives you a foundation for NHS, will look good on your college application, and will give you the opportunity to give back to the community, and learn leadership and character skills.

How can being in NJHS help on you get into Oxford?

It looks Good on an application.

What is the njsh?

Did you mean NJHS?-National Junior Honor Society