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Threads are implemented by a library that utilizes underlying kernel-supported threads of control, called light-weight processes (LWPs).

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Q: Why thread is called light weight process?
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What is the difference between lightweight and heavy weight process?

Light weight is called as a thread which runs inside a process and a heavy weight is a system process. As the thread share the memory of heavy weight then we can say that it is not taking any additional resources(memory) to execute. As a process is a combination of one of more then one threads and each process is having the separate memory location so it is very easy for thread to communicate with each other as compare to two process communicate because thread communicate within same memory but process communicate with other process having different memory location. Here we can consider light weight as a thread and heavy weight as a process.

What is the importance of thread?

thread is a light weight program . concurrent execution of code can be done by usin threads.thread is a part of the program.

What is the difference between LWP and threads?

This explains the difference between LWP-Process-Thread:A light-weight process (LWP) is a means of achieving multitasking. In contrast to a regular (full-blown) process, an LWP shares all (or most of) its logical address space and system resources with other process(es); in contrast to a thread, a light-weight process has its own private process identifier and parenthood relationships with other processes. Moreover, while a thread can either be managed at the application level or by the kernel, an LWP is always managed by the kernel and it is scheduled as a regular process. One significant example of a kernel that supports LWPs is the Linux kernel. On most systems, a light-weight process also differs from a full-blown process, in that it only consists of the bare minimum execution context and accounting information that is needed by the scheduler, hence the term light-weight. Generally, a process refers to an instance of a program, while an LWP represents a thread of execution of a program (indeed, LWPs can be conveniently used to implement threads, if the underlying kernel does not directly support them). Since a thread of execution does not need as much state information as a process, a light-weight process does not carry such information. As a consequence of the fact that LWPs share most of their resources with other LWPs, they are unsuitable for certain applications, where multiple full-blown processes are needed, e.g. to avoid memory leaks (a process can be replaced by another one) or to achieve privilege separation (processes can run under other credentials and have other permissions). Using multiple processes also allows the application to more easily survive if a process of the pool crashes or is exploited.

What is the process of light bending called?

The process of light bending is called refraction. This occurs when light passes through different mediums, such as air to water, causing the light to change direction.

What is the chemical process that uses light to process carbon dioxde in plants?

This process is called photosynthesis.

What is meant by a thread in java programming language?

A thread and a process are same but a minor difference is there. Process executes a program completely without splitting whereas a thread splits a program into smaller tasks and then execute them separately.And then combine the final result. that is why a process is often called as Heavy weight and a thread is called as light weight.

The process by which plants capture light energy and change it into food?

this process is called photosynthesis (photo-light, synthesis-to prepare).

What is the difference between Light-weight process and heavyweight process?

Light weight process are the process are the processes which is considered for the os as less burden like thread.means the threads are executing inside a process which share the same code and data also memory space of a single process that's it has a less burden to the os and considered as a light weight process.also the communication between the threads are much more efficient. where as in case of a heavy weight process for doing multiple task the os has to create multiple processes which have a multiple memory address space and for communication between them they have to use inter process communication using sockets and pipe and which has more burden on the os than the threads(ligt weight processes) and hence considered as a heavy weight process

How do threads work in an operating system?

threads are the light weight process or it is a part of the process which can execute simulteniously by sharing systm resources.... two types of thread 1.user level thread 2.kernel level thread

What is the process when light bounces off and object called?

That is 'reflection'

When you step out of a bright light into the dark what is the process called that happens to your eyes?

The process is called dark adaptation. It occurs when your photoreceptors in the retina become more sensitive to light in low-light environments after being exposed to bright light.

Does light weight anything?

Light itself does not have weight because it consists of massless particles called photons. However, when light interacts with matter, like hitting a surface, it can exert pressure that has an impact.