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Soccers do not earn money. Are you speaking of professional soccer players? If so, the reason they earn more money than teachers is because they are part of a sports entertainment system which greatly rewards the few people who are sufficiently skilled to rise to the top of their profession, in this case, soccer competition. Millions of people are willing to watch them play on TV and at soccer matches, thus creating a giant pool of money which is partially used to recruit the best players. On the other hand, teachers are paid relatively little because thousands of teachers are needed and there is a relatively small pool of money available to pay them. This is because society as a whole does not value the immense contribution of good teachers. It is a great shame this is the way our system works, but that's the way it is.

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11y ago

They are working very hard to educate us yet their only paid with a limiting amount of tax money.

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13y ago

teachers typically don't make more than doctors. the average salary for a teacher is around $40,000.

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9y ago

Why teachers should be paid more than doctors, is a matter of opinion. I don't believe they should be paid more.

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