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Because it nay make earning a living ( making money) later on a lot easier . which in turn enables you to make your life longer stronger and happier. and you will be able to pass this onto your offspring . IE. it gives you choices A dreadfully long passionate essay on the subject: There is nothing in your life more important than education. You can't eat it, drink it, live in it nor wear it, but it makes all things possible. You are reading this. The ability to read is a miracle. Education is the key that opens all doors. You can't have too much of it, as it is a lifelong process, ending only with death, and perhaps not even then. Once you discover it, it becomes addictive. Looked at from one perspective, everything is education. Look into a baby's eyes. You can practically hear the wheels turning. They're getting educated just looking back at you. As babies we may learn more, comparatively, in the first 12 months of life than the rest of our lives. You acquire education osmotically every time you pick up a book or newspaper, stroll in a museum, or travel somewhere you've never been (or even where you have). All your interactions with others have the potential to be educational, such as casual conversations with people, say from another culture but not necessarily, or an interview with a grandparent. Sometimes it's painful (like AS exams or SATs) but those who teach must have some way to measure progress, and examination is one. Having that "sheepskin" to prove you are educated is a necessary fact of modern life. Education in most societies is currency: the more you have the more you'll earn. It's not necessarily fair, but it's the way of it.

Education also equals choice. Orison Swett Marden said, "If you do not feel yourself growing in your work and your life broadening and deepening, if your task is not a perpetual tonic to you, you have not found your place." The more doors that stand open to you, the more opportunities you will have to "find your true place," which is more important to your ultimate happiness than you may now realize. Henry David Thoreau said, "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation." I fear that's sadly true today for so many people if they've neglected education, and thus become trapped in dead-end situations they can't escape. They cannot "Find their place." You will work for forty years at least. The wrong place is an awful place to be.

Perhaps you've heard that "Ignorance is Bliss." Ignorance is not bliss; it is a curse. Ignorance is a cause of war. Ignorance equals bigotry, racism, sexism …. Ignorance might be called the Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse, the grandfather of all the others: Conquest, War, Famine, and Death.

Okay, show of hands - how many hate history? Oh, lotta hands! History is BORE-ring, right? Now, how many saw the movie Titanic? Whoa! Pretty much everybody. Did you like it? Yeah, pretty exciting stuff, huh? Did you know it was history? Not the mushy parts (although there were real lives and loves that were crushed and drowned and frozen that night): there really was an RMS Titanic, and she struck an iceberg and sank and more than 1500 people lost their lives. History is just human drama. All history is just human drama. Not all of it is written down and we have to try to reconstruct it. That's called archeology. But People, humans just like us, lived, loved, fought, bled, died - we're making history right this minute but it's history our grandchildren will read. Now how many still hate history?

In later years you likely won't recall much of what you studied because that's not really education. What education really is, is learning the skill of learning. The system requires you to carry large amounts of stuff about in your head for short periods in order to pass examinations, most of which is quickly forgotten, so some students say, "This is such nonsense" (or perhaps more colorful language) and throw up their hands and walk away. What they may not realize is that they've learned how to learn.If you quit school and get a job, don't you expect that you'll have to learn how to do the job? You need to know how to learn. Hardly anyone carries all that stuffed-in-stuff around in their heads for life, but if it comes up again for some reason, you know where to look to find that information because you've been there before. Another benefit of having learned it once is that, when looking something up, you already have an idea what the answer is, so that, for example if something you read juuuuust doesn't sound right, you know where to double check it to discover if the information is flawed. Education teaches you to use multiple sources rather than relying on just one. Attorneys have a saying: Never ask a question to which you do not already know the answer. You may not recall the exact information you once learned, but an alarm bell goes off because it's still there in the synapses. A mind is not a hard drive. It's more like a muscle which benefits from being worked.

Education is ultimately fun (whaaaa?!). Yes, knowing stuff or at least being able to find where it is, is fun! No, you don't want to be that obnoxious know-it-all at parties where you eventually find yourself shunned in the corner, but it's delightful when you find a kindred spirit with similar interests and you can talk for hours on, say, the relative merits of rhyolitic versus andesitic rock, or something. Is music your thing? Did you realize you were educated in it, even if you never took a single course? You were interested in it so you learned all you could about it. Maybe you play an instrument or just like to listen. But it takes an ear to do that, and an ear has to be educated. You did that because you liked it and it was fun. On the other hand, quantum mechanics, say, is nowhere near as much fun, unless you're reeeally interested in quantum mechanics, but if you know a little something about it, it might get you excited about string theory and even travel across time and space. Who's not at least a little interested in time travel? Or interdimensional travel? String theory proposes possible parallel dimensions. See? Is it starting to sound fun? Today's Science Fiction is sometimes tomorrow's reality. Read Jules Verne!

There's no one-size-fits-all education. Do you want to be an auto mechanic all your life? Well, why not? There are millions of autos, millions of drivers, and the vast majority of us haven't a clue what makes the thing go. But when the thing won't go, boy do we ever need you! But this is no Model T Ford. Today's car is a rolling computer. You must get some kind of education, either on the job as an apprentice or in a class to know how to fix the thing. In this case, education is a short cut to a great job in an almost bomb proof industry. We can't live without our cars, but nowadays we can't afford to replace them so we have to fix them. That's why we need you, and since you love cars and have learned how to fix them, either through classes or apprenticeship, you are happy and healthy and can make a good living and go home in your working car to a nice house.

Education opens doors, creates opportunity, enhances life, promotes empathy, counters bigotry, satisfies natural human curiosity and makes us better people and better citizens, of our countries and the whole world. Humans have been seeking education since the beginning of humanity. Education is COOL! (That's an ancient historical way of saying it's good.) Don't fight it. Embrace it!

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

If you have a bad education, you will not get a good career. Let's say you have a bad education. You might end up working in a gas station, pumping gas for hours. Now, let's say you have a good education. You can do whatever you want to for a life.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

because without education you wouldn't be able to get a proper job. and that without education, you wouldn't be respected.

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