Teachers have a hard enough job as it is. They have to follow the rules of the school so they don't want to have to deal with immaturity. Help the teacher out and be respectful. Plus, you won't have to deal with punishment from your primary teacher for being rude and disrespectful.
with respect.
You should respect you substitute teacher because they are just like a normal teacher and deserve to feel as if they were. Treat them the way you would want to be treated if you were in the same position!
Whether a regular or substitute, a teacher should be treated with respect for the position. This does not mean you will or should always agree with the teacher, however students should always respect the position.
No, there is no need for 'substitute teacher' to be capitalized.
You treat the substitute with the respect due a teacher and your elder. Behave as well as you would with your regular teacher - or even better if you can, so they'll feel welcome and respected.
Yes, both "Substitute Teacher" and "Substitute Paraprofessional" should be capitalized when referring to specific roles or job titles.
u should respect you teacher because you go to school to listening to what you teacher say
i think a substitute dance teacher makes about 8.00 a day they teach the class.
because they are there to help you and teach you. if you respect them they will give you the respect you deserve...
There should be mutual respect.
Substitute teacher.
Yard SupervisionYes, the substitute teacher assumes all the duties of the regular teacher. If yard duty is part of that, then the substitute assumes the responsibility for doing it. It's not really a case of being forced, but a case of assuming whatever duties the teacher you are subbing for has that day.