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yes there should be an open campus because the students can leave if they forgot their homework and they can eat what they want if they want better food for lunch... that's my opinion at least

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12y ago

yes because it gives the middle school kids the choice of what to eat and you can save money because you can get more food for $2 than at school . what if these kids have Allergies or are a vegetarian?? there bodys could get hurt by what they eat and im my experience i have a friend who is allergic to any thing with corn in it and he got really sick so i advise the community to let us have open lunches.

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15y ago

Well it has good sides to it and bad sides. The good sides are that the students get to go out and have luch where they want. They also can learn responsibilaty from how much they spend. It gives them time to go home and get an assignment they may have forgot at home. They can relax from the stressful day that they might be having. And just relax. Time to get away form people. Or just time to get away and do homework that they might need to finish.

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No, they have very low maturity levels and cant be trusted.

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Q: Why should students have open campus lunch?
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What is the bad part about open campus lunch?

this is not bad this is actually very good! for students we can learn alot of respnisblity by our selfs

How many schools have open campus lunch in Texas?


What are some pros and cons of open campus lunch?

Pros students are not as jumpy students can go home to get a forgot book students can get some better food. Students are more awake and aware. Cons Students will stare at the clock longer because they know they can leave school sooner. students may not come back students could get in a car accident students could buy drugs and bring them onto campus Students might get off task

What are other pros about open campus lunch?

You can have fresh air and when your done eating you can play a sport or a game.

Why should kids get longer lunches at school?

For many children in this country a school lunch is the only meal they get a day. A high percentage of our children are hungry and school is the only place they get a balanced meal. High schools still have a lunch programs, but feeding a teen is much harder than feeding a lower grade student. Many high schools have a open campus and students can go off campus for lunch.

WHY should schools have open campus?

they can have the choice of what they want

What is Widener University-Delaware Campus's average SAT score?

Widener University-Delaware Campus in Delaware offers open admissions for students, meaning prospective students are not required to take the SAT in order to be admitted.

What is Widener University-Delaware Campus's average ACT score?

Widener University-Delaware Campus in Delaware offers open admissions for students, meaning prospective students are not required to take the SAT in order to be admitted.

What can you do with your student ID card?

You can open some doors to your campus, you can get things from your campus library, you can buy school lunch, you can get free tarc bus rides, and you can get $2 off at your local movie theater.

Should middle schools have open campus lunches?

it depends on the school

What is Alonzo A. Crim Open Campus High School's motto?

Alonzo A. Crim Open Campus High School's motto is 'One Campus Open to a World of Opportunities'.

What is an open campus?

a public school