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Turning it around, whatever you believe, religion is a vital force in our society worldwide with many more people professing to have some belief in one or many gods than profess to being atheistic so why would you want to deliberately exclude it from children's education? In fact if you do exclude it are you not de facto imposing a minority agenda (Atheism or at least agnosticism) on them through ignorance? If people are to have true religious freedom (as I believe they should) then they need to know something about the various beliefs just as freedom of political belief requires you to have knowledge of politics.

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14y ago
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14y ago

The reason why school's don't teach religion because the teacher is not there to teach you about religion and why it's because the teacher will be going out of his league to teach the student or students about it.

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14y ago

>> Why don't public schools teach religion?
>> public schools
>> public

Not everyone in the public has the same religion, or a religion at all. There are literally thousands of religions; which to chose? And what of those who choose to reject religion?

Other religions (or religion in general) may be right or wrong, but because there is no legal way to make such a determination, we choose not to include it in schools.

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8y ago

Public schools should not teach religion. Religious instruction is not a necessary tool in a child's intellectual development. In fact, religious dogma may retard intellectual growth. Think of the many different belief systems that exist in the world today. Many are so fundamentalist that they teach children to disbelieve science and to view it as being on the same level as religious 'belief'. They restrict intellectual growth. The modern world could not function on that level. It is much better to allow a child to learn about the world and then make their own decisions about religion.

Religion should be a private matter and should be taught in the home.

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