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You may vote to ban homework -- but then you would have to stay at school until you showed each teacher that you could do the work! You'd be at school from 6am until 10pm.

Here's what some of our WikiReaders have to say:

  • Banning homework is not significant - it is just a forlorn hope of students who don't want to do it.
  • Yes. The school day requires the average teacher to teach 8 different subjects in a k-6 classroom. The average time he/she has to teach each subject is 40-45 minutes. This does not include the interruptions from various things that happen in a classroom. In my classroom homework is what the child doesn't finish in the room when I give them work time after teaching an assignment. Some teachers add to class work by giving an extra assignment for home. When a teacher teaches an average class of 30 students homework is one way to determine if the child understands what is being taught that day and other times it is a carry over assignment due at the end of the week to gage if the student understood the concepts taught.
  • It causes stress for students (I'm not saying all). It also causes unnecessary stress for teachers as well as students. Students have to worry about getting the assignment done and if they don't get it done they will be punished obviously. Teachers get stress from just punishing the student. So basically homework=stress source=bad idea
  • I personally believe that they should not have to do homework. Because, it appears to cause more harm than good for the student than just learning in class with the help of a teacher readily accessible to the student. This is just my opinion as a sophomore in high school so think what you want but I have spent many late nights throughout my schooling working on pointless projects where I could learn the information quicker and comprehend it better from reading the text book or listening to the teacher explain the ideas and helping with the work in class instead of doing homework.
  • Reasons not to have homework:1.) It kills trees. 2.) It puts too much stress on kids. 3.) Home should be a place where you relax from school. 4.) Some kids may not have the proper materials. 5.) Lastly, some kids may not have the support and or help they need at home. 6) Homework has risen 50 percent since homework began. 7) Because of more homework about 22 percent of kids fall asleep in school because of lack of sleep and 29 percent fall asleep doing homework. 8) Sudbury Valley schools have been doing just fine without homework for 35 years now. 9) There is not one single study that shows that homework helps kids learn.
  • Teachers give homework to teach their students how to study and research for themselves. It can also be used to allow the students to do something that they can't do in the classroom because of lack of resources or time etc. It can also be used to make a link between the pupils home and school life. It is also a useful way of showing a child's parents what the child is learning at school.
  • Well I think that we learn in SCHOOL! So why not keep school in school!
  • homework is a good idea because if we did'nt have homework then whats the point of going to school any some work can be to make your own song or something like that which would be cool
  • Homework can be a good thing and a bad thing at the same time.
  • Homework actually tests your level of understanding on the chapter. It also helps you revise for your exams and asks you questions that don't appear in your textbook. For example, if you can't answer most of the questions, it means that your level of understanding for that chapter is low and you need to consult a teacher about it. However, too much homework is not a good thing. Thus, if you're not able to cope, do talk to a teacher about it! I tried it in high school and apparently, it's working.
  • Yes because It can disrupt family time and you sometimes dont get all the sleep you need if you work on it all night,it can also be takes up time that could be spent with friends
  • Kids should have homework. Homework stengthens brain cells and helps the mind develop. Some may say that home work causes stress but stress happens all your life. They are suppoesd help you manage that stress by giving you a little bit more homework each year.
  • No - key reasons to have homework

1. to build up the knowledge of the student to a level required for examinations

2. The time table required to tutor knowledge is very tight and ensuring the studant is on target to move on to the next subject does require some additional work

3. when leaving school and entering futher education, university apprentiships addtional study time will be expected of the student - undertaking this at a school levels develops (but clearly not always) a discipline to follow up on studies

4. many education bodies are "advised" by the government of the day that home work is expected to raise the educational standards of the are group

  • Homework is a complete waste of time. schoolwork should be done in school. (hence the name) Not only that, but kids need to get exercise and be active to stay healthy and use up there energy before and after class so they won't want to talk and move around in class.They will also get more sleep because they won't be up all night doing it and be more focused instead of fighting to stay awake.
  • Children should have homework because we will be able to have a good education and you wouldn't be able to get a job.
  • This is a very touchy subject to most. Some people will agree that home work is good to have to further their education, others think that school work should be done in school and stay there not taken home after being in classes for 5 hours plus.
  • Homework i believe furthers the child's education and doesn't make the child lazy and forget full of what they learned.
  • No, I don't think homework should be in school, but experts say that it shows the progress in an average student's brain.
  • Yes we should have homework because it exsercises the mind. Homework prepares you for the challenges that you will get in life later. Homework can help you understand the subject more. It prepares you for everything in life.
  • No they shouldn't it's harder on the kids minds
  • Homework is a waste of trees. Trees are living too. How would you like it if your leg was chopped off and turned into wasteful homework?

The only reason I can think of for teachers not giving homework is that not having homework would make their jobs a whole lot easier. That really would not be fair to students, though, since homework helps them learn the lessons, provides an opportunity for them to develop good study habits, and provides them an opportunity to be responsible.

Teachers have to give homework. The idea and reality of homework is to increase learning in a different environment. It also gives parents an avenue to see the progress that the child is making. Homework is a tool that allows the child to take what he has learned and apply it in a different setting

Homework can be a good thing and a bad thing at the same time.

Homework actually tests your level of understanding on the chapter. It also helps you revise for your exams and asks you questions that don't appear in your textbook. For example, if you can't answer most of the questions, it means that your level of understanding for that chapter is low and you need to consult a teacher about it.

However, too much homework is not a good thing. Thus, if you're not able to cope, do talk to a teacher about it! I tried it in high school and apparently, it's working. All the best! :)

Yes, because summer is about hot weather, Swimming Pools, going to the beach, and going out with friends. For most of those who hate doing homework even in the summer, have to do it any way. Eventhough some teachers say that summer homework helps students maintain their skills. However what if you get the whole summer off from doing work. This is why summer homework should be banned.

Of course. Teachers are giving homeworks not to bother you. It is helpful because having homeworks is a test if you understand a lesson and if you can answer questions without the teacher's help. (Unless if you're going to make your family answer it.)

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WikiAnswers won't do your homework for you --- we'll get you started, though:

  • If you didn't have homework, you'd have to stay at school until everybody was finished with the work!
  • Your teacher needs a way to see if you are learning the work or not
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12y ago

Because children would then have more time to do the chores their parents wish them to.

Cleaning their own room. Doing their own washing etc.

Of course it would also mean that their education would be very poor but not all children can be doctors and lawyers.

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10y ago

Everybody would love to play all the time and not have to work. School is your job, and just like your parents have to go to a job every day, you have to do schoolwork even if it's not fun. Homework is not "bad" - it helps you learn the material and do better in school so you can get a better job and make more money once you are grown up.

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Homework teaches students to be responsible and self-disciplined. It is also an extention of the learning process.

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Answer: Homework hasn't been banned quite yet because too many students, like yourself, are still unable to frame a simple question in proper grammar.

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Homework is practice to help you learn the material. It also helps you become more responsible and learn how to complete a task on a deadline.

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If it wasn't students wouldn't do it. As it is many all ready don't turn it in or get it done.

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Q: Why should school homework be banned?
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Obviously homework should NOT be banned because you need to learn how to write a debate.

Is homework banned in barrie?

No. except one school, Prince of Wales Public School!

Why homerowk should be banned?

Homework should be banned because it prevents children from playing outside and socialising more in the afternoon. Kids work hard at school, they shouldn't have to come home and keep working, they should rest.

Reasons why home work should be banned in school?

Homework should not be banned in school as it reinforces learning, allows students to practice and apply what they have learned, and fosters responsibility and time management skills. Additionally, homework serves as a crucial tool for teachers to assess student understanding and provide personalized feedback.

Should school trips be banned?

they should be banned because it is a waist of school time and money.

Should homework be banned for kids to relax?

No, homework is an intergral part of the learning experience. It should not be banned, but here is a tip: Pay close attention in class and ask questions if there is something you do not understand. The more you learn in class, the easier your homework will often be and the more time you will have to relax.

When will homework be banned?

Until we figure out a way to get all the work done at school, i don't think that it will happen.

Should school sports be banned?

it depends on the school but i dont think they should be banned because it gives you something to do whenever your bored:)

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Should chips be banned at school?

no chips shouldnt be banned give the chose to children

Why should a kid not get homework?

a kid should not get homework because it was given in school and you go to school to learn and do work not to go to school, learn, work, then go hame and have more work.

What countries have banned homework?

None. No schools or states have banned homework. Some schools have reduced the amount given but it is still given out.