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People follow fashion because it is a form of art just as music and dancing. Art allows you to put your stamp on life. ***<WHO IS REMY LEO?>***

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Q: Why people follow fashion?
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How do people in your country follow fashion?

in the charity shop

How do trends change?

In the fashion world trends can change in a moment. People like to follow trends of their favorite fashion stars, musician or actors. Leaders of the fashion world know this and give new trends to celebrities to wear then people follow suit.

Do the Spanish people follow fashion?

yes there just like u and me

Who is buying fashion magazines?

Anybody can buy a fashion Magazine. But usually, people who follow the trends, as in, teenage girls, and uptown women and men and people involved in the fashion industry, or indirectly affected by it.

Why should people follow fashion trends?

No one needs to. It is up to them if they want to.

Are pleated pants back in fashion?

Dude don't follow fashion, make it follow you.

Why do children tend to follow fashion trends?

Let me ask you this: why do adults tend to follow fashion trends?

How much population follow fashion clothes in India?

Near about 45% population follow fashion clothes in india

Could someone explain the influence of fashion?

Famous people who young people or older people look up to as if they should be respected. A famous person has the "right" to set a fashion trend without looking silly, after this trend is set, many other famous people will follow. After this, civilians will follow, naturally looking up to the famous people in which they rely on and look up to.

What is the fashion in China?

I will tell you the truth that Chinese fashion is always follow the fashion in USA ,Korea and other's.

Should we follow fashion?

If a student is not fashionable, other people don't like to make friends with him/her. What do you think of this fact?

Why you follow fashion?

Every one wants to show the good aspects to the others. Fashion can do.