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Blood has to be pumped to the digestive system so that carbon dioxide can be extracted from it. The blood can also absorb nutrients that have just been collected from the digestive system.

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Q: Why is it necessary that blood is pumped to the digestive system?
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When you are sleeping your digestive system is still working?

Your digestive system works even when you are asleep.In the morning as you go about your daily activities more blood is pumped into the parts of the body that are working very hard.For example -when you run more blood is pumped to the muscles in your hands and legs.When you go to sleep your body cuts down blood supply to other parts of the body such as hands, legs.Your body increases the the blood flow to the digestive system. During this process all the impurities and unwanted matter is removed and sent to the excretory system.

Blood is pumped throughout the body by the what system?

muscular system

What does the blood do for the digestive system?

it makes that the digestive system gets all of the blood that it needs. DR. Marvin

Is there blood involved in the digestive system?

No. The digestive system is strictly for eating and disposing that food. There is no blood in your stomach (or at least, there is not supposed to be), but there are blood vessels that go around the organs in your digestive system. However, the blood does not go through them.

How is the circulatory system important to the digestive system?

the digestive system begins in the mouth ,so if the blood is not flowing how can the food digest if there is no ooxygen in the blood

What organ connects a frogs circulatory system and digestive system?

The digestive system organs of a frog are actually very similar to a human's digestive system. They have a stomach, 1 intestine, a liver, a gall bladder, and a rectum.

Would the blood vessels carry digestive juices to the digestive system?

Blood vessels do not carry digestive juices to the digestive system. Digestive juices are either secreted directly into the lumen of the digestive tract, or are carried by ducts, as with bile and pancreatic juice.

Does the digestive system pump blood?

No it doesn't.The circulatory system does.

What is the function of blood in the digestive system?


How are the circulatory system and digestive system different?

well the circulatory system is different to the digestive system because its responsible to pass nutrients and to transport blood,deals with heart arteries,veins,which the digestive system is responsible to provide energy for the heart to pump blood.

What body systems does the liver work with?

The liver is part of the digestive system because it gets rid of toxins in your blood. It also works hand in hand with the circulatory system because blood is pumped through it.

What does the digestive system do?

The function of the digestive system is to break down the food we eat into simpler substances that can be absorbed by the blood.