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to see if it offers programs that fit your career goals

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Q: Why is it important to research a school's curriculum before deciding whether to go there?
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The executive department in charge of deciding on nationwide curriculum standard for public schools is called?

school board

How important is the schools vision mission in designing the curriculum?

When designing a curriculum, the vision and mission dictates course offerings and methods for evaluation. Without a vision and mission statement, schools will have no clear direction of where they are headed or what they objectives are on a daily basis.

What can you do with a bachelors in history?

You could teach history, work at a battlefield, at museums, do research for programs that eventually provide additional curriculum or classroom activities for schools... what do you like?

Why do different schools have different curriculum?

Different schools have different curriculums because education is not standardized globally. Schools have the autonomy to design their own curriculum based on their educational philosophy, student population, and regional requirements. This allows schools to tailor their curriculum to meet the specific needs and goals of their students.

Differences and similarities of traditional and progressive schools?

The similarities of traditional and progressive schools is that both follow core curriculum. The difference between traditional and progressive schools is that the curriculum is taught at the students own pace.

What is the importance of curriculum?

co curriculum helps to bring out the hidden talents and skills of students

How important is the school's mission in designing the curriculum?

When designing a curriculum, the vision and mission dictates course offerings and methods for evaluation. Without a vision and mission statement, schools will have no clear direction of where they are headed or what they objectives are on a daily basis.

How important the school mission in designing the curriculum?

When designing a curriculum, the vision and mission dictates course offerings and methods for evaluation. Without a vision and mission statement, schools will have no clear direction of where they are headed or what they objectives are on a daily basis.

Can schools require prayer and curriculum on religion?


Who creates the curriculum for schools?

Curriculum for schools is typically developed by educational experts, curriculum specialists, and teachers. It may also be influenced by government guidelines, educational standards, and input from stakeholders such as parents and community members.

How can I find out a school's kindergarten curriculum?

You can find a school's kindergarden curriculum by looking on the schools website for information that will help you find stuff about it. The schools website should have all that information.

Schools estabalished by Charlemagne were based what?

They were based on Roman curriculum ~for e2020 based on Roman schools.