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It certainly is a step up from not having a high school diploma! It will certainly make it easier to get a job. It is the difference between being a manager at Burger King for the rest of your life, or getting a decent job and having a happy life.

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15y ago
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15y ago

It depends. For many of the jobs that are available to people without a high-school diploma, previous work experience (particularly related experience) is much more important than a GED. However, certain positions will require a high school diploma OR a GED, and legally they are considered the same thing. For those positions a GED might improve your chances of getting the position. Also, some schools require a GED or high school diploma to enter, for those schools it would be important (if you are interested in continuing your education, which definitely improves job prospects). Finally if you are considering getting more education (for example from a community college), success there says much more for you than success at passing a GED test. However, if you are considering a GED as a relatively easy way to improve your job prospects without requiring too much commitment it may be the way to go.

Good Luck!

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13y ago

There are very few low paid jobs out there which do not require a formal education, but to actually get a job which is capable of sustaining yourself for the rest of your life, you are going to need your GED or better.

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12y ago

There are many benefits to getting your GED. These benefits can include but are not limited to: higher pay, a wider selection of jobs, continuing your education, and finally it is a goal you can check off of your list.

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8y ago

It can allow you to attend college without finishing High School.

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15y ago

Depends on the job. Working at McDonalds no need, but if you want more you need more.

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Q: Why is it important to have a diploma or GED when applying for a job?
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How do you fill out the high school information question on a job application if you completed your GED Instead?

Most job apps have a check box for "Ged or High school diploma". Unless you are applying for a government job, I think you're safe being saying that you graduated high school, whether you did or not. Out of curiosity, what types of jobs are you applying for?

Is an iep diploma consiterd a high school diploma when filling out a job application?

no, its not IEP diploma is not equivalent to a HS Diploma or GED.

Will age change the fact if a GED or high school diploma are required?

No. A diploma or GED can be required for college entrance or a job without violating restrictions of age.

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Some banks require that you have some previous experience. It depends on what position you are applying for also but usually you just need to be at least 18 and have a GED or diploma.

What types of jobs can you receive with a iep diploma?

it will be really hard to get an job with an IEP diploma . you would have to go back for an GED

Bronx ny job that hiring with no exp or hs or GED diploma?

Fast food

Are there alternates to the high school diploma?

If not having a diploma from high school is preventing you from obtaining a job, you should check with an area community college to sign up to obtain a GED. Other avenues for obtaining a GED could be offered in your area as well. When you apply for a job, be sure to list that you are working towards obtaining your GED.

What are the advantages for an adult to obtain a GED?

One of the advantages for an adult to obain a GED is that is necessary to have a GED to be accepted into a technical college. It is also a requirement of many employers to have a GED before applying for a job.

Can a person work without GED?

Yes a person can work in minimum wage jobs without a HS Diploma or GED, but it is harder to find a decent job.

In the military what is the course called similar to GED that one can take to get a diploma?

There is no course in the military that you can take. You either have your GED or you have your high school diploma. you take an ASVAB but that is just the test that you take to figure out what branch of service will accept you and what job you can do after you get in

What degree do you need to become a hair stylist?

Hair stylists should have at least a high school diploma or GED. However, a cosmetology degree and a license is preferred when applying for job.

What are the advantages of completing a GED program?

The advantages of completing a GED program are being able to get a better job than you would normally get. You would be able to get paid more than having no GED in a job applied for. Also, you may be entitled to a promotion at present job. Lets not forget that you would have accomplished something that only 60% of high school students do and be proud of that accomplishment. Completing a GED program provides you with a General Equivalency Diploma. Having a diploma is required for most employment opportunities. Also if you wish to attend college they require a diploma for admission to a degree program.