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So you can learn and not be a slacker. You have to learn to acheive greater things in life. Be above average and be the person that everyone looks up to. Listening to your instructor will pay off in the long run. You will feel alot better about yourself.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

it is important to listen to the teacher because if dont behaveu will get detention

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Because the teachers are responsible for there students in many ways.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

to learn... because if u will not listen you will not learn..knowledge is very improtant...

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Q: Why is important to listen carefully to all of the instructions from your teacher?
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why is it important to listen carefully to ALL of the lab's instructions from your teacher?

if theirs a test than you'll know what the answer was are and for safety reasons to!

Why is it important to listen to your teacher carefully in science lab?

It is important to listen to your teacher in a science lab because there is some very dangerous stuff in there which could harm you, so if you listen to your teacher, she/he can tell you what to do but safely!

Why do you need to listen to instructions carefully in the science lab?


Why must you listen?

The reason it is important to listen to instructions is so you don't have any accidents or mess anything up. If you listen to instructions you will understand what you need to do and you will know what your homework is. If you don't listen to instructions you may do the wrong thing and you will have to start again and if you spend a long time on it but you do the wrong thing the teacher will not give you a high mark

How do you listen to and follow instructions carefully?

To listen to and follow instructions carefully, it's important to pay full attention, clarify any uncertainties, take notes if needed, and ask for clarification if something is unclear. It can also be helpful to repeat back the instructions in your own words to ensure understanding.

What is the mood of the verb in this sentenceListen carefully to the instructions.?

The mood of the verb in the sentence "Listen carefully to the instructions" is imperative. It is giving a command or request to the listener to take action.

When you're being criticized its important to?

listen carefully

When your being criticized it's important to?

listen carefully

What should students do if a beaker is cracked?

they should immediatly tell the teacher and listen to her instructions

What is the mood of the verb in this sentence listen carefully to the instructions?

imperative -- gives a directive, strong suggestion, or order.

What actors and actresses appeared in Listen Carefully - 1991?

The cast of Listen Carefully - 1991 includes: Terrylene as Christa Candace Brecker as Speech teacher Janne Peters as Tutor Selma Rosenblatt as Housekeeper

How do you focus better at school?

sit near the front, dont be talking to other students, listen carefully to lectures and instructions