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Education is important because it can lead to a lucrative career. It also helps a person become more enlightened and also more tolerant of others.

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Because countries need educated people to work for them.

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Q: Why is education important in today's world?
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How do you write an essay about the topic role of youth in todays education?

The essay can be written to include how education is today, and the effect is has on the youth of the nation. The essay could also be written about the effects of education, or lack of education, on youths all over the world.

Why education is important or why it is not?

Education is one of the most important things in the life because you as a person will never improves yourself or the world around you .

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Tanzania is very important to todays society because, my college textbook told me that they import food to lazy fat americans

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Ancient Greece influenced much of todays education. This includes in the areas of arts, science, philosophy, and the idea that education shapes model citizens.

What is spiritual education?

(1.)A spiritual education is much different from a public education. (2.)No it is not to different the only difference is what you are learning an education is an education the definition of an education is "the imparting and acquiring of basic knowledge through teaching and learning, especially at a school or similar institution" (3.) A spiritual education is not too different from normal public education that is needed for today's work areas, a spiritual education is the path of gaining new insight by studying/working with nature, learning new yoga ways, the studying of meditation/self searching in the mind on all levels. (4.)A public education or to put it in a pro term (normal needed it education) is the learning of normal things that will be needed in todays world and in the future of business and income jobs like getting a business degree, or a criminal justice degree and so on it is the studying of what keeps the world moving and the learning of business and income in todays fast moving world.

How the internet is important to todays world?

The Internet is important because we use it to find information we use it to talk to people,keep records and much more.without Internet we wouldn't have the information as quick as we do.

What is the importance of in todays world?

go boy................

What are the Scope of technology and livelihood education?

Technology and livelihood education are two important aspects of the modern education. The scope is to engage students in the world that surrounds them.

Why is the Old deluder's Satan act important in todays society?

The "old deluder" act was passed in 1647. It is important because it was the beginning of public education. Towns of 50 or more families had to pay a man to teach writing and reading in "town schools".

Why is education you important?

Education is so important because it assists you in earning a living and sustaining yourself in the world, but it also develops the mind for more complex thoughts and ideas.

Why are clothes so important in todays world?

Most people now think that If you do not have good or pretty clothing that you are not a good or nice person. I don't think that clothing is more important then other things.