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The motto is correctly spelled E Pluribus Unum, just as it appears on the coin. Please look at your pocket change. ALL coins in the U.S. carry this motto. It's Latin for "From many, One" and refers to the goal of making one united country out of many diverse states and citizens.

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14y ago

It means "Out of Many, One" and is the original motto of the United States.

Thomas Jefferson stated in his official explanation that it "refers to the union between the states and federal government"


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14y ago

E pluribus unum = one from many

It's a national motto of the United States.

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Q: Why is E Pluribus Unum on US coins?
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The Latin phrase E-PLURIBUS-UNUM (Out of Many, One) is the original national motto of the United States.

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PHRASE, not "phase"E Pluribus Unum, not "pluribus unum"The words mean "Out of many, one" and appear on ALL American coins.

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The national motto E PLURIBUS UNUM is on most all US coins dated 1889, post a new question with a denomination.

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The national motto E PLURIBUS UNUM is on all coins dated 1880, post a new question with a denomination.

What is the value of a E-pluribus unum 1999?

7-30-11>>> Because all US coins dated 1999 have the national motto E-PLURIBUS-UNUM on them, this question can not be answered.

What is the value of1881E Pluribus unum?

Most US coins dated 1881 have the national motto E-PLURIBUS-UNUM on them, so post a new question with a denomination.