Lines 29/31 signal Odysseus' flashback to the past, where he begins telling the story of his adventures.
a. tell about something in the past.
Lines 29/31
Lines 29/31
Lines 29/31
a flashback
There are multiple narrators: The bard tells the story of odysseus, while odysseus tell his story to king alcinous.
B. The invocation in which the poet asks for inspiration from the muse to tell the story of Odysseus.
so that he can get home
It isn't used in a well-written story! A flashback is a technique to tell something that happened before the story started, but there are better ways of doing it. A better technique is to sprinkle bits of exposition into the action of the story so that the reader ends up with the right information without disrupting the story with a flashback.
The writer could use a flashback.