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You start school at the age that your location has mandated. Some mandate age 4, others mandate age 5 or 6.

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nope. just the right time

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Q: Why do you start school at the age of 4?
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What age do you start school in France?

you start school at the age of 4

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When do children start school in the Bahamas?

age 4

What age you start school?

Well, You start Pre k at about 4 yrs

What age do you start infant school?

young children start infant school when their 2 years old, and finish when their 5. then they will move on to junior school

What age do kids in India start school?

4 years

What age do you start school?

You strat school at the age of 4!! But in roman times (if you were rich) you would strt when your 7 ! Randomm!

What age do girls and boys start school at?

It depends in which country but in England they start proper school at 4 but they can start preschool and nurseries at about 1

What age do french children start school?

4 years old

What age do children start school?

Children attend playschool until their about 3-4 then go to infant school around age 4-5 . They then leave for juniors at the age of 7 unless they are in a primary school (infants and juniors).

What age do you have to be to go to school in Venezula?

you have to be 4 or older to start pre-k