'fl' stands for fluid and 'oz' stands for ounces.
oz. stands for ounces like this. i need 10 ounces of flour 4 my cake.
"oz" stands for ounces, which is a unit of measurement commonly used to express weight in the United States.
"Oz." stands for the Italian onza, ounce. It came into use in the 15th century.
"g" typically stands for Grams when dealing with measurements of weight. "Oz" stands for Ounces which can reference either mass or volume (fluid ounces).
The correct abbreviation for ounces is oz. (please recommend me ;_;)
The abbreviation for ounces is oz. yes
'oz' is the abbreviation for ounces.
142 oz is equivalent to 142 ounces.
3 pounds 8 ounces = 56 ounces
oz is an abbreviation for ounces; 34 oz is thus 34 ounces. they are one and the same.