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Children need boundaries in order to learn appropriate behavior. They need the boundaries to be applied consistently and fairly because they need to know what is expected of them. Inconsistent and unfair boundaries confuse them and may lead to behavoral and emotional issues.

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Limits are the boundaries we set to help children know what behavior is appropriate. Teachers generally have two reasons for setting limits: (1) to prevent children from injuring themselves or others; and (2) to prevent the destruction of property, material or equipment.

Limits are like fences; they are protective structures that help children feel secure. If the children know where the fences are, they are free and safe to try out many behaviors

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Q: Why do teachers have to set limits on children behavior?
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Set clear boundaries and consistently enforce consequences for inappropriate behavior. Use positive reinforcement for good behavior and provide guidance and support to help children understand and manage their emotions. Communication, patience, and consistency are key in promoting positive behavior in children.

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No. Only within limits and under parent supervision. Research has shown that violence on TV teaches a child to react in violent ways. Children were shown violent cartoons and a set of children weren’t shown violent cartoons. The behavior on the playground of children watching violent cartoons were more violent with other children compared to the set of children who didn’t watch violent cartoons. The violence in TV, movies, games, and video breaks down the psychological barriers of hurting others.

Why parents has limits to watch TV to children?

they set limits 4 children because when chilodren watch to much TV they get lazy and inneficient. just like my dad he watched tv hus whole life and now hes no use at all.

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Undefined is defined. Define means to set the limits, explain. So, undefine means not to set limits or not to explain.

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Yes, most teenagers typically appreciate when their parents set reasonable limits to their behavior. These limits can provide structure and guidance, helping teenagers understand boundaries and consequences. When set in a supportive and nurturing way, limits can facilitate healthy development and communication within the parent-teen relationship.

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The norms for appointing contractual teachers in Kendriya Vidyalayas typically involve meeting educational qualifications, clearing a written test and interview, as well as adhering to age limits set by the organization. Contractual teachers may also need to fulfill specific criteria set by the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) such as subject expertise and experience.

How much does a homeschool teacher earn?

Usually nothing. Homeschool teachers are usually the parents of the children they teach. They recieve no compensation for teaching their own children. Some parents choose to hire a tutor or teacher to educate their child at home. These independent teachers can set their own rates and what they charge will vary widely. Some parents participate in online public schools, where teachers are provided by the state or school district and students do their work from home. These teachers are paid the same as teachers in the local district schools.

What are maximum exposure limits and who are they set by?

THe max is the max. I set them myself.