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I don't know what grade you are in, but the average classroom teaches 8 subjects a day, has to prep students for state testing, handle behavior problems, and do many other things in the school day. Homework is a way for a teacher to check to see if a students has understood what they have taught that day or week. Only about 40-45 minutes is given for direct teaching in each subject, so it is hard to tell if a student is learning. Homework is one way to do it.

Homework is also a way for students to master what they have been taught. You learn things not just by observing them but by DOING them. Watching a person paint a picture is not the same as painting one yourself. Watching someone do math is not the same as applying it yourself. Etc. Etc. Etc. Students who do the homework learn. Student's who do not do the homework don't. Thousands of years of human experience has demonstrated this.

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13y ago
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10y ago

Teachers give so much homework because they want you to be smarter and to memorize what your doing and they want you to understand how to do.

Im sorry if teachers give to much homework.

P.S. you could always talkto you teacher and ask them to give less homework.

Most teachers realize that you're going to have homework in other classes and don't try to overwhelm you with work, but you can always speak to your teacher - politely! - and let them know what your other teachers have given you and ask for extra time to finish or for less work in the future

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13y ago

Well first of all Yes teachers do give alot of homework but mainly because the education is changing and makeing people into robots

I know the answer is going to be changed but hope this made you laugh

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13y ago

A general rule of thumb is that for every hour taught there is 3 hours of work to do on your own. Some schools and teachers in particular will change this ratio, making the amount of time spent outside of class learning slightly different. It is impossible to teach a child everything he or she needs to know in only an hour's time or less, and thus children are given homework so they can learn on their own and reinforce what they were just taught.

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11y ago

well to be honest with you we shouldnt have homework because when we are at school then that is school times but when we get home we should have our time and some homework just takes forever and sometimes we have to stay up so late at night doing work then when we get it done we just go to bed then when we get up so early like at 6:00 in the morning we are to tired and that is just so painful for us no offense im just sayin

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14y ago

To help you learn or else they have no way of seeing whether you learned it or not. They don't want shy people who don't understand concepts to do bad on quizzes/tests because they didn't understand something and were too afraid to ask. It is also a good way for teachers to help fluff up a student's grade.

Other reason teachers give out homework so you can review it at home,and again to make sure you understand what she/he is teaching during the class.

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8y ago

I always saw homework as a way to check to see if the students understood what I taught. It told me if I had to reteach the lesson. Homework in my classes was work that wasn't finished and not extra work. I corrected all work the students turned in to me.

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Do teachers give too much homework?

in my opinion i think teachers give way to much homework for a student to handle. There also comes a time when i think that teachers do this to students to prepare for the future at hand. Also, i play softball so i think that they should give students less homework in one day and give it another day.

What do teachers say too much homework?

they say that homework students have isn't very much.

Is there an expert opinion on do kids have enough amounts of homework?

There haven't been any studies, but most kids have enough homework. Some teachers do give too much work, and that's hard on the kids to finish in time. But most teachers do understand that kids have other classes, and try not to give out too much work.

How can you stop having too much homework?

You have to talk to your teachers. Click on the Related Questions for help, though.

Is there a law that says schools have to have homework?

There is no law, however there is the general tenet in education the classroom time is intended for instruction and demonstration, and practice (homework) should be done outside of class. Keep in mind that as much "homework" as your teachers give you, they are giving themselves too, multiplied by the number of students they have. Homework must be graded, and they're not doing that during class.

Why you hate Middle School?

Why do I hate middle school, I can tell you that. 1.The teachers are so strict 2.You can get study hall if you didn't do your homework or you forgot it . 3.They make a model called get it done. 4.They put your grades and your behavior on and the teachers post on snapgardes if you got a study hall. 5.You have to switch classes. 6. you don't get to see your friends that much 7. you are not allowed to use or bring Sharpies 8. you can get an automatic detention for hurting somebody. 9. The teachers give you homework or tests about stuff that they never taught you. 10. You can get too much homework!

Are you going to get a good report?

Yes and you too if you listen to your teachers, work hard and do your homework.

How do you say too much homework in french?

English : Too much homework French : Trop de devoirs

Are you going to get a good school report?

Yes and you too if you listen to your teachers, work hard and do your homework.

Do teachers add up the homework and tests to make your grade?

Usually they take an average. They count more points for the tests than they do for the homework, too.

Is an extra 2 hours homework too much for an 11 year old child?

It depends. Two hours total homework isn't too much - you can get that done before dinner and have the whole evening free. Two hours on top of what you're already doing seems a bit much and you should have a talk with your teachers about how much work you have every night.

How long do teachers take to make homework?

You think you have a tough time with homework? Teachers have it rougher! They usually work several hours every night after school and they work on the weekends, too! Plus, after you do your work, the teacher has to grade every single homework assignment in all of their classes.