There Are Student Who disrespect The Teachers nd Schools because they want to feel All BadAss!!! They dont care As long as The People Think they are Cool. there Are people Who Dont Care So That sWhy They Do What Ever They Like.
Well, the teacher should receive the same amount of respect as though the student treats their mother/father. And, the cause of this maybe because the teachers really don't respond as much, so the disrespectful ways will eventually continue until the teacher FINALLY gets fed up with it.
Students do not respect their teachers because this is a new world practically. If a parent says no, they will most likely disrespect that. Children want to be in control. Yell at then and if they do not listen, send them an office referral. At our school, we have " B.A.R.K cards." If stand for bulldogs are responsible kids. If they are bad, we sign it. Signatures are bad. If you have 8 or more, you do not get to participate in the reward at the end of the term.
The teacher is responsible for commanding respect. Children who do not at least show respect to their teachers, to their elders, are not being made to do so.
I have never had difficulty with respect from a younger person. As a classroom teacher for five years, I had three instances of students failing to display respect toward me:
No one at that school ever even implied disrespect to me again. Teachable moment.
Respect should not be given until it is received, except to display respect for position or age/experience. Personal respect must be earned or commanded (not by verbal directive, rather by action). Those who tolerate disrespect, ask for such. It is a question of presence and demeanor. Respect is not given, it is earned.
Every young person with whom I have ever had contact knows that under my charge, they are safe from others and respected by me. They also know that I expect the same level of respect in return, and failing that, I demand nothing more than silence. Those who fail to do either learn quickly that they should not poke the bear.
The breakdown in communication between teachers and students is disrespect. The solution starts with the teachers learning how to behave, instead of reacting to a situation, Behavioral skills are important to teachers and students
Teachers should treat students in the same manner as they would expect students to treat them.
I say that they don't deserve to go to good schools only because the good schools don't need bad behaving students to mess up their greatness of the school. Besides, parent's can deal with the bad behavior at home. Going to school iss a prillvage and if you start being disrespectable to teachers- even to fellow students you will not disrespect anyone! Thank You :)
The Teachers Desk is an organization that provides free supplies to schools and students in the United States and aims to encourage students and teachers. One can find more details on their official website.
it can teach respect for teachers,coaches,and other students
Yes all schools in Samoa are equipped with desks and chairs for students and teachers.
In certain schools, Yes. At mine, my teachers have a website for grades and attendance that students and parents can access
No, only better teachers and students can improve poor performing schools.
They don't it's not good for student at all to talk to teachers behind the back
According to Wikipedia, there are over 80,000 teachers in the system servicing over 1,000,000 students.