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to reduce the humidity, means adding the water particles to the air which enters the room.

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Q: Why do people sprinkle water on the roof and outside the home in a hot sunny day?
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Why do be people sprinkle water on the roof or open ground?

When people sprinkle water on hot and dry roof on a sunny day, that water evaporates by taking energy from the ground, roof and surroundings. The evaporation of water causes a cooling effect because the large latent heat of vaporization of water helps to cool the hot surface.

Does laundry dry better outside when it is cold?

no because the air freezes the water when its cold but if its sunny and hot it evaporates the water

Why does evaporation happen more when it's sunny outside?

Evaporation occurs more when it's sunny outside because sunlight provides the energy needed to break the bonds between water molecules, allowing them to escape into the air as water vapor. The heat from the sun also increases the temperature of the water, which speeds up the evaporation process.

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Leave a glass of water outside on a sunny day, the water will evaporate *soak up* leaving the salt in the glass.

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you have to get the sprinkle water and sprinkle it on the tree

What do radish seeds need to grow?

Moisture and light. You can sprout them between moist paper towels. In the garden, sprinkle radish seeds on top of prepared soil and water in. Plant in a sunny location for best results.

Why do you sprinkle water on the roof in the summer?

during sunny days the roof of the house gets hot by sprinkling water on it this help to escape heat from the roof in the form of water vapour & the water gives cooling effect

Why do you sprinkle water in a dusty room before sweeping?

we sprinkle water before cleaning a dusty room so that the water settles down

What are sprinkle systems and drip system?

Types of irrigation systems. Sprinkle or spray spreads the water out a bit, drip drops water right at the roots.

Why when people get wet they dry without a towel?

When people get wet, the water on their skin or clothes will eventually evaporate due to body heat and air circulation. This process helps to gradually dry off the moisture without the need for a towel.

When might rain glisten?

in sunny days

First aids for fire accident?

They can sprinkle water