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jejksjakfj A one year term of office was officially allowed because it prevented one man from becoming too powerful for too long. It was like an insurance policy against a monarchy.

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Christop Erdman

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Q: Why did roman magistrate only hold office for one year?
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How many terms did a roman magistrate serve?

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In early Rome, only patricians could hold political office.

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No, the Roman consul held office for only one year. The only other way he could hold on to office longer was if he were to be appointed dictator. Even in this case a man was usually dictator for a specified length of time.

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Who were able to be in the roman governments?

If you mean holding public office by being in the government, it was only Roman citizens of the first class who had the right to hold office. If you mean being in the government in the sense of working at a government job, almost anyone who wanted to could be a part of the bureaucracy. There were government slaves, clerks, freedmen, librarians, accountants and free men who all could have government jobs according to their qualifications.If you mean holding public office by being in the government, it was only Roman citizens of the first class who had the right to hold office. If you mean being in the government in the sense of working at a government job, almost anyone who wanted to could be a part of the bureaucracy. There were government slaves, clerks, freedmen, librarians, accountants and free men who all could have government jobs according to their qualifications.If you mean holding public office by being in the government, it was only Roman citizens of the first class who had the right to hold office. If you mean being in the government in the sense of working at a government job, almost anyone who wanted to could be a part of the bureaucracy. There were government slaves, clerks, freedmen, librarians, accountants and free men who all could have government jobs according to their qualifications.If you mean holding public office by being in the government, it was only Roman citizens of the first class who had the right to hold office. If you mean being in the government in the sense of working at a government job, almost anyone who wanted to could be a part of the bureaucracy. There were government slaves, clerks, freedmen, librarians, accountants and free men who all could have government jobs according to their qualifications.If you mean holding public office by being in the government, it was only Roman citizens of the first class who had the right to hold office. If you mean being in the government in the sense of working at a government job, almost anyone who wanted to could be a part of the bureaucracy. There were government slaves, clerks, freedmen, librarians, accountants and free men who all could have government jobs according to their qualifications.If you mean holding public office by being in the government, it was only Roman citizens of the first class who had the right to hold office. If you mean being in the government in the sense of working at a government job, almost anyone who wanted to could be a part of the bureaucracy. There were government slaves, clerks, freedmen, librarians, accountants and free men who all could have government jobs according to their qualifications.If you mean holding public office by being in the government, it was only Roman citizens of the first class who had the right to hold office. If you mean being in the government in the sense of working at a government job, almost anyone who wanted to could be a part of the bureaucracy. There were government slaves, clerks, freedmen, librarians, accountants and free men who all could have government jobs according to their qualifications.If you mean holding public office by being in the government, it was only Roman citizens of the first class who had the right to hold office. If you mean being in the government in the sense of working at a government job, almost anyone who wanted to could be a part of the bureaucracy. There were government slaves, clerks, freedmen, librarians, accountants and free men who all could have government jobs according to their qualifications.If you mean holding public office by being in the government, it was only Roman citizens of the first class who had the right to hold office. If you mean being in the government in the sense of working at a government job, almost anyone who wanted to could be a part of the bureaucracy. There were government slaves, clerks, freedmen, librarians, accountants and free men who all could have government jobs according to their qualifications.

Who was eligible to vote and hold office?

Only white land holding men over 21 in 1820 could vote or run for office.

Can you be both a federal judge and a Senator at the same time?

No. You can only hold one office at a time.

How was democracy in Greece different from Canadian democracy in terms of which citizens could hold office and which citizens could vote?

The main difference is that in ancient Greece only male citizens could vote and hold office.

Who long does a president serve?

a president can serve 8 years which is two full terms of 4 years each. but in south Korea they can only hold office for 5 years and in china they can hold office for 10 years

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The Know-Nothings believed that only true Americans should serve in the government. They believed that Roman Catholics and immigrants should not be allowed to hold any public office. Slavery beliefs also separated the Know-Nothings.