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It can be a UTI or problems with the prostate or something else. Either way you need to see a doctor.

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Q: Why can't i urinate when i feel the need to?
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Why do you think we need to urinate?

I think we need to urinate to get the waste out of our bodies.

Feeling like you need to urinate but can't in children?

If you feel like you need to uninate in children... then peeing isn't your biggest problem right now.

How do you know when a male needs to urinate?

The male will feel pressure in his bladder that tells him it is time to urinate.

What is a sentence for the word urinate?

To urinate means to pass waste from the kidneys. Here are some sentences.Don't urinate on the flowers!Animals urinate wherever they feel like it.Women usually urinate sitting down, but men usually do so standing.

How does it feel when it burn when you urinate?

It's hot when it comes out.

Do you have to urinate when you need to?

Yes you do

Why cant your friend feel the urge to urinate?

It can be many reasons. Has he or she had any spinal cord injuries? Are they paralyzed from the waste down? Do they have kidney disease, or any neurological disease? This definitely warrants a visit to a urologist!

How can you get a dog to urinate?

If your dog cant pee take him to the vet immediatly!!!!! It could be dangerous.

When you experience pre-ejaculate for the first time is it natural to feel like you need to urinate most of the time even when you don't?

Yes it's natural to feel this because you haven't experienced it before and after you are use to it you won't feel like urinating.

Why do you need electrolytes if you are running a marathon?

Electrolyte make you urinate , so when you have to urinate you run to the finish faster.