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There are many map projections so you can see all the shapes and sizes of diffrent places. Also it is to show the diffrent angles, off places.=Hope i answered you question.=There are many map projections so you can see all the shapes and sizes of diffrent pla

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Q: Why are there so many map projections?
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What are the release dates for Map Projections - 1977?

Map Projections - 1977 was released on: USA: 1977

Why do mapmakers use map projections?

Mapmakers use map projections to represent the surface of the Earth in two dimensions. Since the Earth is a 3D shape, it is impossible to show its entire surface on a flat map without distorting some aspects. Map projections help minimize these distortions and allow us to navigate and understand geographic information more effectively.

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Since Earth is a sphere maps are?

Map are projections in a systematic transformation of the latitudes and longitudes of the locations on the surface of a sphere. Map projections distort the surface in a little bi, depending on the purpose of the map.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the three map projections?

are lines

What are two map projection?

Two common map projections are Mercator and the Robinson Projection.

What are the 3 different types of map projections?

The three main types of map projections are cylindrical, conic, and azimuthal. Cylindrical projections show the Earth's surface on a cylinder, conic projections project the Earth's surface onto a cone, and azimuthal projections project the Earth's surface onto a plane. Each type has variations that can result in different map distortions.

Why are there different types of map projections?

=The curved surface of the earth cannot be shown accurately on a map because such a surface must be stretched or broken in some places as it is flattened. For this reason mapmakers use map projections.=

Why are map projections used?

To see different views of the Earth.

Why does every map projection have some degree of distortion?

All map projections distort the surface in some fashion. Depending on the purpose of the map, some distortions are acceptable and others are not; therefore different map projections exist in order to preserve some properties of the sphere-like body at the expense of other properties. There is no limit to the number of possible map projections.

What is a projection in geography?

A projection in geography is a way to represent the Earth's three-dimensional surface on a two-dimensional map. Different map projections distort properties like distance, area, shape, or direction in order to accurately represent the curved surface of the Earth on a flat map. There are many types of map projections, each with its own strengths and weaknesses depending on the purpose of the map.

What type of map projections do textbooks writers use?

Textbook writers typically use cylindrical or pseudo-cylindrical map projections such as the Mercator, Robinson, or Mollweide projections. These projections provide a good balance between accuracy, distortion, and ease of understanding for educational purposes.