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honistly they are all very imature, you dont have anything to worry about girls always mature faster than boys, in middle school not let the boys bring u down have fun with ur girlfriends and make the most of middle school, u'll find that when its gone u'll miss it the most cause u had the most fun, and even in high school some of the guys are still really imature, but around gr. 11 they get better

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16y ago
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13y ago

Girls mature faster than boys do. guys take forever to grow up and it can get very annoying. but being in middle school its time for ur girl friends because once u hit high school the guys will grow up. some faster then others. once they do grow a bit they will realize that girls are more important then their stupid videos games. that's when us girls need to step it up show them that we like them mature. ;)

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14y ago

they are trying to act "cool" for their friends

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Q: Why are teenage boys so immature?
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Immature boys do this to get your attention. Ignore them.

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Not necessarily, or at least not proven. Boys and girls tend to be immature in somewhat different ways, though.

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Teenage boys always try to show off to get noticed. Many teenage boys like to have the attention on them and showing off is one way to get it.

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Teenage girls tend to run away more often then Teenage boys. For every boy that runs away 3 girls do.

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Yes...... Yes they are

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yes because they are males so yes they can

What does teenage boys mean in spanish?

Nothing, that's in English. But if you meant to say HOW to say teenage boys, then its "adolescentes"

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The size of breasts teenage boys love is any as long as you have some