noviembre. Normally the names of months are not capitalized in Spanish.
"January" is "enero". Note that months are not capitalized in Spanish.
"In Spanish the days of the week and months of the year are written in lower case unless they are the first word in a sentence." Source:
No, that would be "mayo". Note that the names of months are not capitalized in Spanish.
Enero.Remember, though, that names of months are not capitalized in Spanish. So it's: enero.
January is Spanish is enero. The first letter of the names of months is not capitalized in Spanish.
In Spanish "noviembre" does not have any accent marks. Note that the months are not capitalized in Spanish.
In Spanish, months are not capitalized unless they are used at the beginning of a sentence or part of a proper noun.
No, most(or all) words that are common nouns in English do not have capitals in days of the week, months etc.
The Spanish equivalent is "febrero". Note that in Spanish the names of the months are not capitalized (unless they are the first word in a sentence).
Days of the week Months of the year Holidays Languages
That means "January". Note that names of months (and weekdays) are not capitalized in Spanish.