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Why wouldn't they be? I'm friends with lots of people who are not good at things that I am good at, and are good at things that I am not good at. I may have more to talk about with people where there's some overlap, but even there we may have some interests in common: A lot of people who can't play sports at all are nonetheless interested in them, for example.

Also, I suspect that "good teachers" and "bad teachers" here really means "teachers I like" and "teachers I don't like", and that your definitions may even be the exact opposite of my own (for example, you might consider a teacher who gives everyone a bare minimum of a B to be a "good teacher", while in my world that's a terrible teacher, unless the entire class is actually objectively performing at that level).

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I would just say maybe you can hang out with "bad friends" and your "good friends" and turn the "bad friends" into "good friends" how do i know????? experience works every time!!!!

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Because they cant afford any good ones,

Is peirce secondary school Singapore good?

Well, the only thing good there is that you will make lots of good friends and meet good teachers.

Why shouldn't students add teachers on Facebook?

Teachers are not friends, they are teachers. Do you really want your teachers to know what you and your friends are doing? To see all your pictures and comments?