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Q: Why are ethics important while conducting research How can Advocacy research and Sagging lead to unethical marketing research practices Give an example each for advocacy research and sagging?
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What are the possible consequences of unethical marketing practices?

Dissatisfied customers, bad publicity, a lack of trust, lost business, or, sometimes, legal action.

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common unethical practices adopted by companies in the areas of business

What are some of the ways unethical business practices can affect a business?

Unethical business practices can cause a business to lose the respect of other business wanting to do business with said company.

What is unethical marketing?

Unethical marketing includes making claims that can't be delivered. For instance, saying that a product will make you look a certain way just to get sales is wrong.

How do you report unethical practices by car dealers in Texas?

If you have been the victim of unethical practices you can report it to the state. You may also want to report it to the manufacture whose vehicles are sold at the lot.

Why do consumer buy certain brands of chocolate?

Consumers buy certain brands of chocolate according to personal taste or nutritional value, according to affordability, and sometimes because of the ethical or unethical practices of the corporations producing and selling the chocolate. Advertising and marketing schemes also influence consumer practices.

Which of these has the power to monitor and stop unethical business practices?

Federal trade commission

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What are the considered unethical practices in business research?

Unethical practices in business research can include falsifying data, plagiarizing others' work, manipulating results, breaching confidentiality agreements, and not obtaining proper informed consent from research participants. These practices can compromise the integrity and reliability of research findings and harm the reputation of the researchers and the organizations they represent.