They can lead to serious health problems like infertility, liver cancer, paranoia, Heart disease, and increased choloesterol.
Anabolic steroids are dangerous variants of testosterone.
Anabolic steroids, officially known as anabolic-androgen steroids
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The scientific name for steroids is corticosteroids or anabolic-androgenic steroids, depending on the type of steroid being referred to.
Many weight lifters use anabolic steroids.
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Anabolic steroids, also called as anabolic-androgenic steroids, is a drug that reacts similiarly to testosterone in the human body. Under the Controlled Substance Act, anabolic steroids are a Schedule 3 drug.
Anabolic steroids can enter the body by injection or in pill form
The type of drug that anabolic steroids belong to is a stimulant. Long term or excessive use of anabolic steroids can produce negative health risks.
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Anabolic steroids are drugs that are chemically related to the main male hormone testosterone.