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Q: Why are Venus and Saturn so different from each other?
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Are there any planets that are closer to each other than other planets?

Yes - Mercury and Venus Venus and Earth Mars and Jupiter Jupiter and Saturn Saturn and, Uranus and Neptune and Pluto

How are sailor venus and deadpool different from each other?

deadpool is the merc with the mouth while when sailor venus is just a sailor scout

Why are women from Venus?

the saying women are from Venus men are from mars is just saying that men and women are very different from each other.

Which planet has no rings Saturn Jupiter Uranus Venus or Neptune?

Venus. Each of the four gas giants; Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune has a ring system. Saturn's ring system is by far the most spectacular, and known as 'THE' ringed planet. None of the four inner or terrestrial planets has a ring system; Mercury, Venus, earth or Mars.

Names of each planet in the solar system?

In no particular order: Mars, Earth, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury.

How far is Venus from Saturn?

Venus and Saturn can be closest to each other at about 370 million miles (600 million kilometers) apart when they are on opposite sides of the Sun. This distance can vary as both planets have elliptical orbits.

How do you use a question with Venus?

You could ask how far apart Venus and the Earth are from each other.

How big is each planet or what they are made of?

Planets are different sizes and they are made of different things. The planets mainly fall into 2 different types - some are made mostly of gas (Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune) and some are made mostly of rock (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars).

Which planets have moons and which do not?

All planets in our solar system except Mercury and Venus have moons. This means that Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all have moons orbiting around them. Mercury and Venus are the only two planets in our solar system that do not have any moons.

What is the biggest planet to the smallest planet?

Pluto, Neptune Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Venus, and then EarthNote:Note that this order varies depending on the time of year for each planet. For instance, on rare occasions Mercury may be closer to Earth than either Venus or Mars.Also note that Pluto is no longer classified as a planet.

What is the location of each planet from the sun?

Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, followed by Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

Will Saturn collide with Neptune?

No. Neptune and Saturn both have stable orbits that do not come anywhere near each other.