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Q: Why Health education helps to protect from fatal diseases?
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'health education helps to prevent from fatal diseases 'why?

because it makes every people know about importance of health

What are the most serious health consequences of teenage sexual activity apex?

Pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Both can be potentially fatal.

What is a health risk factors?

There are all kinds of potential health risks out there! One of them is high blood preasure. Another might be cholesteral. Another is diabetes, and the list goes on! Your white blood cells also have to worry about becoming immune to fatal/non-fatal diseases.

What is the best thing about fruits?

The best thing about fruits is that they are full of essential vitamins, minerals, and fibre that help protect you from chronic diseases, which can be painful, debilitating and even fatal.

What kind of fatal diseases do bacteria cause?

Bacteria can cause fatal diseases such as tuberculosis, cholera, sepsis, meningitis, and pneumonia. These diseases can lead to serious health complications and, if left untreated, can be life-threatening.

Why are fatal diseases not naturally selected out of a population?

Due to interbreeding

Can bleach be safely ingested?

no! Bleach has millions of diseases that can be fatal.

What is the common fatal genetic diseases in the US?

cystic fibrosis

What is the role of specific health screening programmes?

Health screening programs help recognize the early presence of disease especially those that are communicable or passed on to other people. This will help in early detection and early treatment of various fatal diseases.

What fatal diseases start with the letter d?

Dystentary is one, and also a very high case of Diabetes not treated is fatal.

Fatal dermatology diseases?

squamos cell carcinoma please explain

Why new born are vaccinated?

To acquire immunity against fatal diseases.