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There have actually been nine - George Washington

Andrew Jackson

Martin Van Buren

Zachary Taylor

Millard Fillmore

Abraham Lincoln

Andrew Johnson

Grover Cleveland

Harry S Truman

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15y ago
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16y ago

Washington, Jackson, Van Buren, Taylor, Fillmore, Lincoln, A Johnson, Cleveland, Truman. In addition, WH Harrison, McKinley, T Roosevelt and Harding attended College but left before graduating. Their respective Colleges were Hampden-Sydney, Allegheny, Columbia Law School and Ohio Central

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13y ago


Preisdent Clinton went to Yale Law School (Ivy League). The last President not to attend an Ivy League school was Ronald Reagan (Eureka_College). Carter didn't go to an Ivy League school either. Ford did, however, (Yale Law). So Since Kennedy only four Presidents have not attended an Ivy League school: Johnson, Nixon, Carter, and Reagan.

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16y ago

George Washington is the only possible fit. He did attend college for a brief period to obtain his surveyor's liscence.

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11y ago

who was the last president that did not graduate from college

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12y ago

Ronald Reagan

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